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South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Roomies of 2012

 Welcome to the end of my incredible final semester at Snow College! It will now be my pleasure to introduce some very special friends of mine who boosted each other in angelic, and always entertaining ways :)
These are my roomates!
Jennifer Inez Neal-The Quiet Skydiver

Favorite Food: Zucchini Cassorole
What she ate most often: Cocoa Dynobites :)
Color: Purple (me too! I found a friend =)
Book: (She asked me if she could list more than one, cause she can't decide on a best)
"Come Unto Me", "The Alliance", "Mistborn", "The Way of the Kings"
TV Show: Psych, which became a regular at our apartment.
 Crazy bummer cliff hanger last episode I heard...
Class EVER: Honors Physics (they partied all the time)
Signature Phrase: "Oh dear..."
From Where: South Gate, California; West Jordan, Ut
Favorite Place to Be: Outdoors in good weather totally alone.
She loves having a sanctuary.
Number of Siblings: One older brother, one younger twin sister
Favorite Candy: Three Musketeers, MilkyWay, Reeces, 100 Grand
What she dreams of becoming: A Hero. She's a dreamer.
(Super compassionate, too I might add. She already is a hero.)

Jen was my room roomate. I really think it was inspiration that put us together, though we both thought it would work out that I'd be with Nicole. She's such a strength-a perfect example of a quiet, but powerful testimony. Though it seems like she's reserved, don't let her fool you! Jen can tell you stories when you lend her an ear, and she always laughs at yours. Its been such a privilage to get to know her.
Even now, my siblings still ask, "Haley, when's Jen coming over??"

 Nicole Baum-Like "The BOMB!"
Favorite Food: Lasanga
What she ate most often: Breakfast=hashbrowns, crepes (homemade!) nutella toast
Color: Red
Book: "The Very Hungry Catapillar" (I remember this one!! He kept eating and eating....)
TV Show: "I Love Lucy" (Okay, so, hahah I have to tell you; Jen and I would be in our room, working on homework or reading to each other when all of the sudden, HUGE bursts of laughter echoed from the room next door. I would glance up a Jen, eyebrows raised, with a grin on my face. Then I'd motion to her and we'd tiptoe out of our room, down the hall. Proping open the door just a titch, we giggled under our breath to see Nicole, laptop on her stomach, propped against her pillow, laughing like a...Like a Nicole on "I Love Lucy"!
She was famous for it ever since. We even had an "I Love Lucy" evening in honor of her loveable addiction.)
Favorite Class EVER: Cadence (This girl has a VOICE on her! And it's a dang good one too. Think operatic, classical. Then mix it with her energetic, spontaneous personality and you got remixes of hymns, pop versions of "Joseph Smith's First Prayer". I made her do them again and again for us.)
Signature Phrase: "....[insert comment here], but it's fine."
From Where: West Jordan, Utah
Favorite Place to Be: In the mountains
Number of Siblings: Second oldest- Two boys, two girls, one married
Favorite Candy: Twix
What she dreams of becoming: An opera star. (Dude, I tell ya, she already is!!)

Nicole, whether she was just coming in from a hot jog, or leaving for a rehearsal, always had a way of making us laugh. She has a way of telling stories I've never heard from anyone; really lean forward to listen. She's super talented and she loves the Lord with all her heart. One of the most sensitive and compassionate hearts, she really strives to do what her Heavenly Father wants. While along the way, creating adventures for herself and others :)
When you love your siblings to death, even when you're mad at them, when you take out the guy that's mentally disabled, when you strive to develop talents that you haven't ever thought you could, and when you see and follow the incredible examples around you; that's Nicole.

Jordie Wilden-Basketball Star

Favorite Food: Anything! Honest, but she really likes chicken cordon blue pasta...
What she ate most often: Wal Mart 50 cent Chicken Pot Pies :)
Color: Changes with the day. Today is blue.
Book: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, The Way of the Kings
TV Show: Once Upon a Time
Favorite Class EVER: Human Development 1500 in high school
Signature Phrase: "I'm so pumped [insert event here]!!"
From Where: Young Ward, Utah
Favorite Place to Be: At home by the Bear River :)
Number of Siblings: Oldest-One brother, two sisters
Favorite Candy: Anything with chocolate and caramel!
What she dreams of becoming: A mom, wife, and a National Basketball Champion!

So Jordie is the sports star of our apartment. She and her team were awesome this year,  (I think it's cause they got her!). You wanna know how awesome!?
For the first time in Snow College history, the Girls Basketball Team went to Nationals!!!!!!
Jordie is a sweetheart. She gets super excited about competition, and passionate about helping people. :) She even managed to beat a Samoan gal racing on an obstacle course one of our last days of the semester. Skinned elbows and all!
Jordie wrote a 7 page final paper on the different defenitions of a zenith. Yah, we were impressed, and so was her teacher, who gave her an A, if I remember right. Anyone who can write for 7 pages about a zenith is pretty impressive to me :)
And probably the most memorable thing about Jordie is her inexplicable ability to wind up in extremely awkward situations. From being pegged by a wobbling pedestrian on a bike, to a myriad of other laughable experiences (such as her Nacho imitations- ((SHE CAN DO THE NACHO! I wish you guys could SEE her!!), Jordie's just a magnet for anything adventureous :)

Katie Cook-The Sneaky One

Favorite Food: A Gourmet salad (But she's not a vegan or vegatarian). Veggies, veggies, veggis!
What she ate most often: Cabbage, zucchini, and sweet potatoes stir fried with butter and garlic salt, over a bed of kidney beans and brown rice.
Color: Fire Engine Red
Book: The Help
TV Show: The Office or Psych
Favorite Class EVER: Art-Oil Painting (She is SO good! Her style is a cross between realistic and impressionistic; She won out of all the Snow college students oil painting submitted with a painting of her late dad.)
Signature Phrase: *laughter*
From Where: Lindon, Utah
Favorite Place to Be: A place where I feel comfortable to be myself =)
Number of Siblings: Youngest- 4 brothers, 2 sisters
Favorite Candy: Lindor Dark Chocolate
What she dreams of becoming: An Elementary school teacher. Inspiring little kids to become the best they can be and believe they can accomplish anything.

Why do we call her "the sneaky one"? Well.
Katie was very unassuming when I met her. I remember her being a social butterfly last year-as well as incredible artist. But it wasn't until I got to be her roomate that I realized how kind she is.
Katie was one of the instigators of quiet acts of service or little notes of encouragement in our apartment. She can get super crazy-Her stories still keep me rolling on the floor- but she also knows how to be very nurturing and feminine. When I had had a harder day, she would ask me about it. She even gave me hugs on particularly hard days. She expressed her love to each of us in really quiet and encouraging ways.
Katie helped make our apartment a really warm place to be. :) She's also super talented as an artist, a violinist, and a singer! I am so so so happy that I got to know another of Heavenly Father's precious daughers in Katie. She's just awesome :)

And we can't have had these amazing pictures without our incredible photographer, Melissa! (on the left)

If any of you want to take pictures, there's a beautiful park in Ephraim just behind Maverik. We loved it.
Aren't I lucky?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Missionaries in Training

Special thank you to Miss Elizabeth for coming to our house at 7am to take pictures. 
We love you Elizabeth!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Follow Elder Brooksby!

So since my brother went out April 18th, he's had quite a few adventures- One of them, a trip out of the MTC and to the hospital. He's okay now. :) 'Cuz he's awesome, follow him on

There was no other way to get him out of the MTC other than in a ambulance. He loves it there :)

PS I'm super excited to share all my adventures these last four months with my roomies-Katie, Jordie, Jen and Nicole. Pictures coming soon!