South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's week nine here, and things are cooking!

Our new Korean Native missionaires just arrived yesterday evening, two sisters (going to Seoul and Pusan,) and four elders (one to Pusan, Four to Seoul, one comes Wednesday.) and we are SO happy! It's a blast to have a full branch again each Sunday. More talent to share, more testimonies to hear, more prayers and more missionaries!!! We also love our Branch Presidency, President and Sister Shin from Korea, Brother and Sister Menlove and Brother and Sister Yost. They are all awesome-our parents and home away from home. :)
Firstly, THANK YOU ROOMIES! you guys are the best I am so happy for the letter you sent with the pictures! Nicole, you made me laugh so hard with your comments-I could hear your voice and it made me miss you more. Youy are all beautiful daughters of God and I cannot wait to see where He takes you :):);) Thank you so much for thinking of me; I am humbled to be your friend and roomie :D
David M, Raymond, Ben, I will write you soon. Thank you so much for the kind letters, especially telling me about your day or sharing expreiences/ encouragement with me. Every one of your letters is a treasure.

Also I wanted to say, Sister Maron Marcy shared with us her testimony through song this Sunday, "Come Thou Fount" in Korean adn English. I've never heard a more beautiful version of Come thou Fount.
So this week I wanted to share an experience with you that happened at the TRC. (It seems like a lot of neat things happen there. amazing what the Lord will do for us :)
This week we were prepared to teach about Receiving Revelation through Prayer. We wanted to help the members gain an even sure testimony that Heavenly Father does listen to us, and He is aware of and will help us when we ask.
The woman we got to meet was someone totally new to us. Her name was ๋ฐ•์ž๋งค๋‹˜. She looked in her late 20s.
We approached room #1 slowly (we always wait to be invited in then invited to sit). As she motioned us in, I noticed she'd been sniffling. We sat on the couch infront of her, and began to introduce ourselves and get to know her. She was originally from Seoul, and have moved to America for the first time 6 years ago. As we talked with her throughout the lesson, she began to open up more. She explained that she had come to America for school, and to get a good job. Howeverm, after she'd graduated with a bacholors in Art, she wasn't able to find a job specifically what she needed. So she went back to Seoul. Once there, she had a nagging feeling that she needed to be in America again. That that was where the Lord needed her. So, three months later, she again flew to America to search out a job, faith in her heart. At first, things seemed to work out. She found  a kind woman who hired her and told her she would let her live out of her basement for free. As the weeks progressed, however, Sister Park noticed her rent being withdrawn from her paycheck each week, and the job she had been promised was reduced to janitorial duties. She was desperate, and she knew that because her boss and others saw her nationality as a drawback, she was being treated very unkindly. As sister Roueche and I heard this, our hearts swelled with compassion and with sadness for the things she'd been through. She was scared, she didn't know if theis was really where the Lord wanted her to be.
She prayed day after day, seeking for confirmation or reassurance.
She came to the TRC that Saturday, just seeking to be of some service to our missionaries.
In the middle of our lesson, (before we knew the above story and background fully because it was all in Korean) sister Roueche got an impression. She pulled out her Doctrine and Covenents and began seraching for a scripture. Soon, both she, I and even Sister Park were looking for it. It was the one about Oliver Cowdery and his answer to prayer, she'd said. Suddenly, she found it! She asked Sister Park to read it. (MOM please insert the scripture text  copy it from LDS. org here) Doctirne and Coventants 6:14-15. As she read, she began to weep, pausing often.
Then she looked up at us. "Thank you. Thank you, this is the answer to my prayer. " She said through her tears. "This is what I Have been searching for. Now I know what I need to do."
Everything worked out! Sister park has a friend in SLC that she could live with and she has oppportunities to work up there. We gave her our prayers and our love, and we walked out of that room blow away. No matter what, how fluent you are, how understanding you ahve, God will u8se you to speak to His children. He knows us. He Loves us. This is His work! I also wanted to add D&C 6:16.
My time is gone, I love you all! Know yiou are love always, and this work IS true!!
Sister Brooksby