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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Damsel in...Distress?

You all know Princess Diana, right?

Well, I have proof that she really is a princess, if you were ever in doubt. ;)

Once upon a time, in a land not too far away from our very own high school campus, there was a young princess damsel in very much distress. She was found searching high and low for a magical item; an earring which had slipped off of her beautifully arrayed lunch tray.

People passed by her and exclaimed their sorrow at such a fate as this, but no one stopped to help because the bell had rung, and they did not wish to be, what they call 'tardy,' to seminary.

To the beautiful princess' dismay, the place in which it had fallen was a foul and oder-full abode, filled with an assortment of discarded food and other strange smelling things:

The Garbage Can.

Poor Princess Diana could be seen frantically searching through the liners, pulling out and sorting through the yucky mess with her bare hands. It looked pretty hopeless...

Then some weird punk teenager (ahem,) decided to come in and noticed the princess' plight. Kneeling down, she began to help sort through the junk. A kind seminary teacher/knight nobly fetched the young ladies some gloves to aid in their quest for the earring.

After searching through both trash cans at least three times, a princess from a neighboring kingdom (Princess Aurora) came to see what was causing her friend to be late to the very royal seminary. Taking off her very long and befitting overcoat, she grabbed a pair of gloves and began to help in the search.

Twice more through the trash cans, and the three girls were beginning to give up hope of ever finding the desired item. A prayer was offered. Just as they were about to resign their quest, Princess Aurora suggested they attempt just one more time. Thus they did, when all of the sudden the second girl cried out for joy.

She'd found the missing earring in a small cup for holding sauce. it was stuck sufficiently to the side, but she was able to get it out and returned it to the Princess Diana. Imagine the joy on her face as the valuable and magical item was back in her possession!

After promising royal treats for Princess Aurora and the other friend, Diana went to go clean up. The others replaced the garbage cans to their rightful abodes, laughing all the way at a memory they’d made.

And thus, Diana really is a princess, being rescued as a 'damsel in true distress'. =)


  1. HAHA! Greatest story ever! You are a wonderful writer! The punk teenager's name is The most gorgeously talented beautiful kind charitable loving PRINCESS HALEY!! Geeze, get it right next time! ;)

  2. I miss reading your stuff. If you have time you should post so I can read. :)


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