South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Still breathing..slowly...


Yup, it's been a few weeks. I don't feel guilty, though, strangely enough.

Life's been quite fun, I'm just running to keep up with it! So some recent updates:

-Preference with Matt Foutz
Way fun, nice guy yet somewhat shy; (for some odd reason, I really like asking shyer guys to dances...Maybe it's just selfish so I can talk the whole time ;)
He got out there and danced, (said he was a bad dancer, but I knew better!) even when he really didn't have to.
Also, I really enjoyed having a smaller group. I thought it might be a little wierd, but I got to chat and be comfortable with everyone, not just my date. We had lots of our own conversations as well, no worries!
And, by the way, the Nicklecade is quite fun in formals! You get some looks...And you can look back!
Ooh and Dance Dance Revolution can only be done with FOUR people in formals, (one on each arrow). So much better than trying to do it yourself in high heels! :)

-Choir Tour!
Most of you are in choir, so I don't really need to say much more than it's wonderful. I think I had even more fun this year than last, which is surprising because I had quite a blast chilling with my Mother and little Denver!
I honestly don't think I'll ever look at a Bug the same way again...That was intense!

Paperwork, but thrilling to turn in!

-Los Guapos!
Jefferson McClain has invited me to conduct the infamous Los Guapos group during lunch every day. It is quite fun, though somewhat intimidating... Honestly, what am I to do with all of those Sophomore choir boys?
We're doing a really fun, upbeat Disney song which brings me a lot of happiness because I love old Disney! :)

Yet I think I'm going to ask for an every-other-day schedule for that. I miss all my buddies at lunch! (And yes Megan and Keirsten, I DID wear my bracelet on Monday!)

So long for now!

Oh, and PS: We're still doing Feasting at my home every Sunday at 8:30 for whomever would like to come! It's wonderful to have you if you'd be willing. Just give me a call! 623-8423

1 comment:

  1. Haley!!!!
    Are you really coming here?!
    I am so excited! I tried and tried to convince Jasmine to come, but she is set on going to school closer to home. If I can't have my real little sister here, my sudo little sister is the next best thing!!You can come to my house anytime you want, and bring as many dates as you would like (and friends too). Do You know where you are going to be living? Do you have a major picked out? You will love it here! I will fill you in on all the fun things to do and places to go. Umm as far as suggestions.....we will have to chat lots when I come next weekend! Anyways I gotta run but we will chat soon!


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)