South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Story Time!!

Okay so it's the day after Memorial Day, and I'm looking forward to a day messing around with my siblings. Yup, getting up at 9:00am sure is nice, but all that feeling lazy makes me excited to actually do something so I hop out of bed and prepare for the barage of children. Yaaaaaaayy!!!
The situation:
Tyson: at school
Trey (14 years old): absorbed in a book
Mom: at an appointment.
Which left Sierra and I with the rest of the chillins. Oh boy!

My first experience was a humbling one, let me tell you. All three of the littlest ones needed something at nearly every second of the day; Elias was begging me to come help him find his other shoe, Savannah said she was feeling sick, and then said she wanted food, Denver was fussy because he went to bed late, and while I was thrilled to be able to be with them, it was also concerning to me that I wasn't able to handle them all very well. How am I supposed to have tons of kids if I can't even handle three?

So I really appreciated the fact that I still need to, and am learning how to juggle lots of different situations and concerns. There's never a dull moment, and always some sort of adventure/life threatening situation happening. Keeps me on my toes, for sure!

Anyhow, to the main point of this post ,(I'm rambling because it's been FOREVER since I've written so I have a bunch to say!) which is: MUD! ;)

In order to enjoy the summer days more fully, it is necessary for one to go about the neighborhood riding on one's bike with one's siblings, where applicable. If if one's said applicable siblings happen to ride to a construction site, you are required to follow. Especially if they have a bridge that they've built to show you.

I found myself in the above described situation and took advantage of admiring Tanner (10) and Kadin's (9) beautiful scrap-wood bridge over a nice pond of clear (or so it would seem) water. Since I had my bike, I offered to cross the said bridge on it, though I knew I would likely fall in since the wood was quite narrow.

My awesome and loyal brother Kadin then offered his thought.
"Haley, if you go across this bridge, I'll jump in the water for you." He said bravely.

"Thanks, Kade, but I think I'd only ask you to jump if I fell in too."

"Alright," he said, looking slightly relieved. (He shouldn't have had so much faith in my biking ablities, but...)

So after a bunch of adjusting and fussing, I prepared for the adventure, and a lot of wet. Thankfully for me, I was being looked kindly apon, and maybe because I believed in myself a little bit. But anyhow, I made it across safely, and to the greeting of cheering brothers on the other side. (They're so amazing! They could've been cheeing me into the water...)

But the real adventure, (though that sure got my adrenaline rushing) happened later, when I had the camera!

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, since I have an awful habit of talking way too much. :)

Tanner watching Kadin plummet dangerously into the water with the bridge in the background.

Kadin monstorously attacking his sibling,

(or he's just trying to help him enjoy the bond of nature...)

Basically, Kadin managed to get his brother down, (with Trey's help) and they had an all-out mud war. It was pretty entertaining to watch, and I was so glad that I'd gone home to get the camera.

Those two will never be the same again, and I couldn't breathe for laughing for awhile! (I'm actually quite thankful that I didn't join them, fun as it would have been...)

Happy Tuesday!

PS Mud rocks.


  1. WOW!!

    Haley, this is quite the blog. I like it a lot!

    Mud wars sound like a lot of fun.
    Reminds me of days when I went puddle splashing. Or when I work out at my farm and play in the mud and water.

    Good times.

    --For some reason though, I couldn't see any of the pictures...but then maybe I wasn't concentrating hard enough on the screen.
    I'll look again.

  2. HA HA HA HA!

    That looks so fun! Kadin looks like a mud monster. Argh!

    Mud rocks!

    Squeaky Clean Denver

  3. Haley,

    The beautiful thing about having lots of children is unless you have seriously bad luck and have dectupletes (eww, I feel sorry for any set of parents that would have to go through that.) They come one at a time which means you get lots of experience before you get to the point of having "lots of kids."

    Plus, every time I go to your house and hear the stories of your family I am even more convinced that I need a largeish family. I think 10 might be a little overwhelming for me.

  4. I'm glad you guys like our adventures. :)

    It sure is nice to be here in the summer, 'cause I get a bunch more time with them all!

    Enjoy them while you can, my parents remind me. I am for sure; they're so entertaining!

    Raymond, I'm sorry the pictures didn't show. They're fun, and I want to add more!

    Jeremy, I hope you have a big family too. I'm very interested to see where everyone ends up! ;)

    Denver, Kadin scared me too. He's a way funny kid, and I love him lots!

    Happy Friday all!


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