South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Another week in the MTC

First order of business: Sister Allyssa Elliot, whom I've had the privilage of seeing almost every day here for the past 3 weeks, has left for the field. I'm putting her address here for anyone who'd like to write her. I know she's way excited and would love to hear from you. Write her to find out her adventures!
Californial Roseville Mission
8583 Watt Ave.
Antelope CA 95843

The Temple is open again! My companiotn and I just got back from the Provo Temple. We did initiatories. Mom, going there, losing my companion at the end, feeling the spirit, totally rmeminded me of you and I our first few times together. It was really special. Also the last name I went through I pictured one of our investagators going through for their first tiem. I diecided that it would be confusing, but filled with the Spirit that this was right. I'm glad for the chance to go to the temple. How awesome that Heavenly Father gives us a place to learn of Him and feel His power so close on the earth.
We are doing work on this and the other side of the veil!
I love p-days because they help me re-focus my energy for teh next week, and get to share our expereinces with all of you! Please dear elder me if you have questions, and Ill be sure to write you back :)
This week we said good bye to all of our older districts as well as our native Koreans. Sisters Song, Kim, Song (twins) and Lee are beautiful daughters of God and they are going to touch the world of Korea with their sweet spirits! Sisters Knapp and Henrie were our first coordinating sisters and they have a love for the gospel thats unstoppable. I know the Lord is with them as they go out.
There was an experience we had last night that I wanted to share.
We'd just finished cleaning our classroom. Our lesson had been on the fundemental (basic principle behind missionary work) "Recieving Revelation through Church Attendance." It was a really neat discussion because a few of us missionaries had not really connected the idea that goign to church is a way we can receive revelation from our Heavly Father. So being taught about it and then role playing with our companions was mroe difficult at first. Then I started listening to the comments of our fellow missionaries and our teacher Brother Pendley and visitor Brother Wilkonsen. How do we recieve revelation from goign to church? how can we share the importance of it with our investagators? How does it help them grow closer to baptizm, faith, repentance?
I loved teaching! As I spoke to Elder Cook in particular, I felt the Spirit very clearly, and I felt confident about what I said. More than that, I could feel that he was feeling the spirit too! I directed my words to his concerns. The Spirit was truly teaching Elder Cook as the investagator he played. There is a calling unlike any other in sharing the Gospel-in missionary work! We ended that lesson with so much more than I had going into it. I want to go into detail, but may I invite you to think about it for yourself? How does attending church, all three hours, help us be converted to Christ?
I know that it is a place where we can feel uplifted, inspired, and clean from the world. it is a place we can share and strengthen our testimonies. It's been a place for me to recieve personal revelation I didn't realize I'd needed.
When we open our hearts and turn our pitchures right side up, personal revelation for us through the Spirit will be poured out upon us like a river. I've felt it. I'm sure you have too! There's such a power in going to a place where the Lord wants us to be :)

Dad I love you!!! I know a lot of this stuff is addresssed to moom but I'm thinking of you and I treasure your letters.
Keep praying, I'm praying for you! Glad to hear gk health is good!! Please let me know what else you want me to write aboue next week, how I can do better
With all the love I have,
Sister Brooksby

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