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South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Haley's First Letter home!

 I love the TMC. I Love the Spirit here, and how we really feel the mantle of the missionary. I was talking withour Branch President (A Korean) Shin about what he could for me. I just asked for his prayers, because the first few days here were really challenging. He told meto remember  that out of the 14 million current church memebers, 10 million pray for us at least once a day, and the temples and our families and they and so many others do. That's pretty inspiring.
So the next time i knock on the door to visit our investegator, I can remember I've been blessed with 10 million + prayers behind me. :D

That's something I'm lreaining int he MTC. OUR first lesson we taught in Korean was on Friday, two days after we entered. we learned the ABCs and other stuff Wedsnday.
That lesson was pretty short, but our goal was to let Choi Moon Young know that Heavenly Father loves him. He's a college studen 26 ywears old, met the missionaries on the subway. He wanted to know more about the Restoration. He has a strong desire to learn about history, and he's progressing!
This last lesson #3), we taught him in more depth about the Apastacy and the Restoration. Just before we taught, our language teacher met with my companion, (sister Roueche "Roo-Shay, form Tenessee) and I. We wanted to know how we could understand our investagators needs if we didn't understand him and waht he said. Then we taught our teacher. He gave us good complements (said he was impressed) and geaave us a challenge. It iwas to NOT LOOK AT OUR NOTES :)
So, we took it. A few minutes before we went in to teach, we erased half our lesson form paper, and used very simple words: "Many , Many different churches" and "Joseph Smith, Church Don't know, Don't know, church don't know"
We bore our testimonites to him without looking. We prayed with him.
And he accepted our invitation to read and pray about the Book of Mormon.
I just want to testify that Heavenly Father grants us the tools we neeed in the time we need them, that He truly loves each of His children, and he will use us as tools to teach them!
I love this Gospel1!!I Iam so thankful for you and your prayers.
Always your daughter and sister,

Sister Haley Brooksby

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