South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Haley is really in Korea! 2nd email!

HI everyone!! 

I'm missing you- the work is so good here! 

I think, from the reactions I am getting, I eat more kimchee here than normal Koreans do :)

Our work is going great! We are doing a lot of heart attacking, not many investigators, and trying to get to know our ward members better. We discided to call one a night and maybe sing a hymn and check on them to see if there snything we can do to help them. We have one investigator that we're meeting with, and we won't meet next week because it's her birthday. Maybe we can do something for her.

Loving our Branch! Spoke Sacrament in broken Korean and told them how much they help me thinking aobut them when I get sad. We are here for them! 

And this week, during tracting, we ran into a woman who talked a lot about her beliefes and doubted everythign we said. My companion and her had been talking for about 15 mintutes contunually on the street. Suddently, I felt the Spirit. "Ma'm, I said "I am here because I know this Gospel is true." She turned to look at me, kind of shocked that I spoke. I know that even though she wastn' listening, the Spirit was there.
There are good people here that are searching, we are just finding them!

Because of Chusuk, the holiday, I can't email next Monday, but I'll email Tuesday! 

Lveo you!

Sister Brooksby

1 comment:

  1. I think she is really in a hurry to email in the time given. I do remember her being a better speller! lol


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)