South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 4 In Korea!

We do cover the whole 'city' of SunCheon, as well as all the little
and big cities inside it. There are 300,000 people in our area-The
streets in one place we Jundo are always packed with people (check out
pictures on the internet of a K'n Shinea or big mall type area.), so
we can talk to a lot in a short amount of time. They are often busy,
so we go different places where we can slow down and get a stronger
relationship built before introducing who we are and our message. I
love those times the most- we can be more friendly together :)

There are two other companionships in our discrict. Gwanyang and YeoSu
Elders! They are super funny-We talk to our district leader, Elder
Stanger, every night to report on the work, and he's hillarious :)
Yes, I have an MTC Dongi with me! His names Elder Walker, and he's
Elder Stanger's companion. people think that Elder Walker is
quiet-like Trey-but he's really random and funny (what would you do if
a spider dropped on your face? "I would eat it") And I'm really glad i
have him.

Food is awesome! I love kimchee, and everything! Sometimes our
district wants to go have american food-I generally perfer Korean. I
have a funny story to tell you next week about Sister Won's mother's
spicy sauce, but I'll save it, unless i have enough time. Lemme tell
you, it's really hot stuff... ^^
Sister Won is from Incheon! She was born inn Austrailia though, I just
found out last week! Pure KOrean through and through though :)
P-Days we either have time to shop here, or go somewhere like the
beach as a district, our last p day we spent as a Zone playing sports.
Lots of fun!

I'll write mroe later, love you!

Kay I'm back for just a few more minutes!

I wanted to tell you about a really neat experience. Sister Won and I
were out Thurdsay night, just finished eating with the XXXXX family
(one daughter, 13 years old and never lets me takes pictures of
her-she's SO cute!!! And she loves playing with my hair :). We saw
some adventures going on (singing, lots of people,) and wanted to
explore, but we decided to Jundo (tract) instead. I'm so thankful we

We went to our normal small shinae, close to our apartment but still
lots of stores and people. We were just walking around, looking for
someone to talk with. I saw three moms sitting and talking as two of
their kids played around the front of the stores. I wanted to go talk
to them, though it seemed like they were busy talking. So I looked to
Sister Won. "Go ahead," she said "It's okay."

So I approached one of the mothers. I talked about how cute her kids
were, and told her we had a message about families. She was busy and
attended another church, so I gave her a pamplet and said bye for now.

Feeling a bit down, we continued to keep looking. While we were
looking to cross the street, all of the sudden a man caught my eye,
and he was walking toward us, starting intently. I'm sure I looked a
little surprised.
He approached us and began speaking in fast Korean. I was a goner, but
Sister Won had us covered. It seemed like he had seen missionaries
like us before, in Canada. They talked. She shared what we believe. I
felt the Spirit, and I know he did too, because he was listening
They talked (mostly he shared his story,) and we listened and nodded.
At one point, he was talking about hard things for him, and we could
tell that this was a tender subject. We testified that he could be
forgiven! That through Jesus Christ, he could find peace and be a
better person.
I need to run, but we ended up talking for 20-30 minutes there on that
sidewalk, his eyes watered up at one point. He said he wanted to ask
us (he's seen lots of missionaries before), because of the light he
saw in our eyes. He gestured to us and talked about our eyes.
We left him with bread and a book of Mormon. He gave us the bread he'd
just bought. I felt such a good/sad feeling as he walked away. Both of
us were quietly standing there for a few mintues after he left, tears
streaming down our face. We both wondered if he was an angel.
As we were walking quietly home, Sister Won pointed at something and
started to laugh. I looked up quickly-it was that man!! There he was,
in front of a mini stor, reading the Book of MOrmon!!
Was he for real? We laughed all the way home :)

I love you all! Have a great week, this work is true and changes lives!

Sisister Brooksby

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