South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Funny Story of the Kindness of Korean Grandmas!

So this week I have some really fun stories!

Here's your first one:

One morning, on a morning like most mornings, Sister Won and I were
waiting for the bus. I was doing the usual and looking at everything I
could get my eyes on, bouncing on the balls of my feet, trying to read
the signs on buildings and occasionally successfully attempting to
recognize the words. That morning there was a sweet woman, maybe 60 or
so, waiting with us, like normal. We made eye contact and smiled, then
continued doing what we were doing.
Suddenly, out of nowhere someone was tugging on my clothes. I had on
an outside brown cardigan, and I quickly glanced to see who was
pulling it off of my shoulders. To my surprize, it wasn't Won
Jamaenim. It was the woman. She was talking to me quickly in Korean,
but I was still completely lost as to why she was undressing me.

With the cardigan off, she flipped it around and helped me put it back
on. At that moment I recognized the problem.

I had dressed myself inside out.

I sheepishly finished putting the now right-side-out cardigan back on,
and bowed thanking the woman. After we'd gotten seated on the bus, I
whipped out my planner. "Today," I wrote, "My fashion sense was saved
by a woman at the bus stop."

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