South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Missionaries Come Running!

Hey Everyone!!
Okay, I'm sure you're already heard, but my incredibly talented super amazing brother got his mission call-just where he wanted to go- Tokyo, Japan!!!!!!
I can't believe the work is exploding so much-Will you tell every future missionary you see "Congratulations and way to go!" for me?
Our mission is going to see huge changes next transfer. This transfer will be only 4 weeks long to catch up with the MTC schedule, and then 8 new sisters and I'm not sure how many but a lot of elders will be coming in! I"m sure a lot of these new missionaires will be 18 and 19 year olds also :D:D

This week there's one thing that stuck out in my mind-We got to be with the Young SIngle Adults in our ward/branch on Friday night, and it was so much fun! They'd each brought a random-sandwhich making ingredient (we had crab, corn, mayo sauce, lettus, cheese and a mixture of stuff :) and after we got to eat crazy food (I couldn't help recording them as they laughed and teased each other-there is so much energy in our 독신s!). 

Then Sister xxxxx (RM from Seoul and 독신 leader) talked to us about Eternal marraige and we all wrote down characteristics of the person we'd like to marry, why, and what we would do to be worthy of that person. When I was sitting there, pen in hand and blank paper on my lap, I realized I didn't really have a specific picture in mind like so many of the others seemed to have. I knew I wanted to marry him in the Temple, I wanted him to have the Priesthood to be able to bless our children, and I wanted him to be kind. I've thought more about it since then. 

And I keep coming back to this--I want to be the best person I can be for him and for my family! And I've realized that, on my mission, I'm slowly chipping away those faults and smoothing the many rough places. I don't think I've grown so much so fast in all of my life :) I feel bad for my companions that have to live with me! But I'm so thankful that these experiences are helping me grow little by little so that I can be the best mother and friend to my future family :)
So we just got transfer calls as I was reading MOm's email about Trey's call (while laughing and crying :D:D) I'll be staying with SIster Cho here in Cheonan! I know that with her, I can grow a lot :D
With three of our 5 main baptismal date investigators baptized, our focus is now on helping our remaining two to overcome the obstacles they have and see them in the water! They both have dates for this month, but I was really wondering about xxxxx. She hasn't been meeting with us for a month now, and hasn't been to church in that long too. She already has had most of the lessons, she has developed good friendships with awesome sisters in our ward, but with limited contact it's been a source of worry for both of us. Just last night, she texted us and said she could come to church next week!! :D:D:D:D
Also, xxxxxx Jamaenim's professor was sick, so because she didn't have her academy this Sunday, she came to all three hours of church! Her academy has been an obstacle, but we have faith that when she knows this is something she wants, and when she has really good friends, she'll want to talk with her parents about changing the academy time. Two more times! FIGHTING!
:D I'll share a thought I really liked in Alma. We are all re-reading the book of Alma for preperation for MIssion Tour on March 6th, and everytime I read about the Armies of Helaman, I feel so happy.
Amalickiah was being awful. He had already taken over the Lamanites be treaterchy and murder, and now he was targeting his own people, the Nephites. He was compared by my mission president to Satan, looking to destroy the souls of all men. Moroni, on the other hand, was righteously ingdignant about Amalickia. So he does something really noble-he prays. :)

 11 And now it came to pass that when Moroni, who was the achief commander of the armies of the Nephites, had heard of these dissensions, he was angry with Amalickiah.
 12 And it came to pass that he rent his coat; and he took a piece thereof, and wrote upon it—aIn memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children—and he fastened it upon the end of a pole.
 13 And he fastened on his head-plate, and his abreastplate, and his shields, and girded on his armor about his loins; and he took the pole, which had on the end thereof his rent coat, (and he called it the btitle of liberty) and he cbowed himself to the earth, and he prayed mightily unto his God for the blessings of liberty to rest upon his brethren, so long as there should a band ofdChristians remain to possess the land—
 14 For thus were all the true believers of Christ, who belonged to the church of God, called by those who did not belong to the church.

Then the people come running.

 19 And when Moroni had said these words, he went forth among the people, waving the arent part of his garment in the air, that all might see the writing which he had written upon the rent part, and crying with a loud voice, saying:
 20 Behold, whosoever will maintain this title upon the land, let them come forth in the strength of the Lord, and aenter into a covenant that they will bmaintain their rights, and their religion, that the Lord God may bless them.
 21 And it came to pass that when Moroni had proclaimed these words, behold, the people came running atogether with their armor girded about their loins, brending their garments in token, or as a ccovenant, that they would not forsake the Lord their God; or, in other words, if they should transgress the commandments of God, or fall into transgression, and be dashamed to take upon them the name of Christ, the Lord should rend them even as they had rent their garments.

Being courages in the face of evil is not easy. It's easier to pretend it's not there than to face it. But because of Moroni's courage, the people remembered what they were fighting for and Who was with them, and they came running.
When we remember who we are, what a glorious blessing we have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we too will want to come running. Running to share the Light that we've been given. Running to strengthen someone that doubts thier worth. Running to serve someone in need. Running to love, to lift, to inspire because we feel so must how much we have received
Im so thankful that I get this chance to come running-to share my testimony and gratitude for the Gospel that has blessed me my whole life. And to everyone who is preparing or knows someone who is preparing to serve a mission or is serving, THANK YOU FOR COMING RUNNING!! The mission fields EVERYWHERE are bursting with bright, willing new missionaries that chose to come running.  :)
Trey, I love you!! Thank you for coming running with us :) Tyson, Way to go!! KEEP RUNNING!
Love you all!
Sister Brooksby

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Miracles And Talks

TO give you all an update, we had our miracle!! XXXXXX Jamaenim was baptized on Saturday night, confirmed in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. We were'nt able to attend her confirmation (we were in our branch that week) but her baptism was so beautiful. She really looked like an angel! 

And during one of the talks, the one of the  bishopbrick's councerlors asked if XXXXX Jamaenim would come up and share how the missionaries met her. (she's the one we met just walking to another appointment and we stopped to talk to her and her friends). He talked about what a miracle that was-how the Hand of the Lord was in her life, leading her to us. I have a testimony that the Lord is in charge, and He knows who will be by what street corner, and exactly what time the missionaries will be coming down the street. He's got it all worked out. We just put our trust in HIm and move forward.
This week I was assigned to speak in our Onyang branch for 10-15 minutes on a topic of my choice. Here, they ask the missionaries to speak every time they come, because our branch is really small-30 to 40 people in church. That morning, I was thinking and thinking, what should I share? 

I tried reading the Liahona and Ensign for a good conference talk I could pull throughts from. But they didn't seem right-they were fantastic as they were! I couldn't take their ideas without sharing their whole talk... SO I was running into dead ends. As I thought about what to talk about , some thing I've been learning this week came into my mind: Bearing testimony and inviting the Spirit is the only way to teach. I couldn't do it on my own with my own thoughts. I'm not a natural teacher! I get nervous and end up not making a connection with whoever I am teaching.

So I prayed and prayed for the Spirit. And as I put my pen to paper, the thoughts began to flow. I'd originally planned on talking about Charity and what I'm learning about it personally, but the words ended up tying into the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how our lives can be changed-how we can become better people. Just knowing about His sacrifice is enough to change the wickedest of hearts.
RIght before I got up to speak, I prayed again. Only Heavenly Father could make my words more than words to the our branch members. And I felt His Spririt be with me as I began to speak. I wasn't nervous. I worried, yes, when I saw what looked like blank expressions on the faces of our members, and wondered if I was making sense while relating the story of Ammon and King Lamoni and his father from the scriptures, but as I shared my testimony, I felt the Spirit. And I knew He'd not only helped me do my very best, but He helped me by allowing the Spirit to testify to me and to those listening that that things I was saying were true.
I felt more love and confidence after that moment. I was able to reach out more to the members and really understand them. I have so many imperfections and I worry so so much. But when I feel the Spirit, I feel a little bit of how Heavenly Father feels about us. I'm so thankful that He gives us that gift-That we can overcome our own imperfections to reach out to others, little by little.
And as we sat there next to XXXXXX Jamaenim, I was listening to the talks and all of the sudden realized the coventant she was making. THis would change her life forever-Her special promise with God. I'm so thankful that I got to be a part of such a miracle :)
I know that Heavenly Father loves us! He cares about the smallest things (like helping us do well on our cleaning inspection this week! Andgiving me an opportunity to talk with our sweet senior coulple, the Ridings) and He will help us if we ask Him. I'm learning so much from the scriptures-they are a fountain of truth! And I'm so excited to share this message with others. :) Little by little, we can come to know Him better.
Love you and hope you all had a great Valentines Day! (here the girls give chocolate to the boys, and on White day, the guys give candy to the girls. :)
This work is true!
All my love from Cheonan,
Sister Brooksby

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hey Family and Friends!
WOW! There were so many emails I couldn't read them all, I just took pictures and I'll read them throughout the week. I'm so sorry if I don't respond to your questions! But I'll give you the update as best I can :)
So first, a little on my companion. Sister Cho Eun Cheong is from Seoul and she's a Korean superstar! She's fantastic at style and what blows me every time is how she teaches. I know I'm with her to learn a lot! She's helping me so much know how to improve my teaching skills and connection with people! I think I wasn't really progressing that way until she came :) Her testimony is super powerful, and I love just sitting and listening. I'm trying even more to find my own experiences that I can share to help our investigator relate to the principle we're teaching, and Im' finding that, as I try to improve, Heavenly Father is giving me different ideas and analogies to use that will help our investigators understand and grow in the gospel :) I'm so thankful.
Next, an overview of the work:
One of our long-time investigators, xxx is her English name, is starting to drop. We haven't made contact with her for two weeks. I'm really sad. Another two of our investigators are in middle school, and we  haven't met with them for three weeks, due to schedluing, or not being able to have an adult woman with us. ( In order to teach underage).
Even still, xxxx Jamaenim is progressing!! She just has her invterview on Wednesday, then baptism this Saturday night. She's excited and we're excited! I'm so thankful that I got to be a tiny part of her miracle. Street prosyliting is a finding method totally supported by miracles! :)
Also, because of an awesome faithful woman in our ward, we're now doing a 30/30 Neighborhood English/Gospel class! There are three sweet ladies, all with two little children. They are really fun, and they love to learn. So I'll keep you updated! Every Wednesday at 10:30am, xxxxx Jamaenims' house :)
This week, Thurdsay, all of our regular appointments dropped. We didin't have anything planned, and I was a little worried. But we spent the day making cookies and went on a huge cookie delivering run! We stopped at one home to have dinner with a really sweet woman in our ward-she had a brain tumor two years ago and has been recovering ever since. Her family's really close now because of it, but she home bound most of the time. So she loved our visit, but I have to say, we were the blessed ones. as soon as we entered her home, I felt so much love..It was like coming to my home home. That was a really neat highlight to me. I feel so thankful that I got to meet her, such a speacial, loving sister.. xxxxx Jamaenim.
Funny story!! We were running around like crazy last P day trying to get birthday shopping and clothes shopping done and made our last stop at the post office at 4:59pm before it closed. I packed up everything as hurriedly as I could and gave it to our sweet two post office ladies that are so patient with me (I don't know a lot of post office KOrean yet) so they help me, and we use body language or my companion helps too :) BUt in my hurry, I didn't realize as we left that my Book of Mornom was still there.
We were maybe 5 minutes down the road when I heard running behind me. "Customer! Customer!" someone was shouting. I turned around to see that sweet woman from behind the counter of the post office, holding her knees and my prosyliting Book of Mormon! I couldn't believe it-she'd run all the way to catch up with us, just ti give me my book.. I've decided I'l like to do something for her, I'll keep you update on what! TEnder mercies~!
ALso, yesterday I prayed that I could give away a Book of Mormon that day. I'd marked one of my favorite chapters-3 Nephi 17 about when the Savior visits the Nephites and heals their children. That day, I got up the courage to talk with a family waiting by the bus stop with us. The mom looked interested in what I was saying, and the kids laughed. I wasn't perfect at introducing it or helping them understand, but She acepted my phone number and the book, and I asked her to call us if she read it. I was so thankful. I know HEavenly Father loves us and answers the smallest of prayers.
I love you all! THank you so much for all you do!
Keep up the good work, You are HEavenly Fathers Angels!!
Love from Cheonan,
Sister Brooksby