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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Miracles And Talks

TO give you all an update, we had our miracle!! XXXXXX Jamaenim was baptized on Saturday night, confirmed in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. We were'nt able to attend her confirmation (we were in our branch that week) but her baptism was so beautiful. She really looked like an angel! 

And during one of the talks, the one of the  bishopbrick's councerlors asked if XXXXX Jamaenim would come up and share how the missionaries met her. (she's the one we met just walking to another appointment and we stopped to talk to her and her friends). He talked about what a miracle that was-how the Hand of the Lord was in her life, leading her to us. I have a testimony that the Lord is in charge, and He knows who will be by what street corner, and exactly what time the missionaries will be coming down the street. He's got it all worked out. We just put our trust in HIm and move forward.
This week I was assigned to speak in our Onyang branch for 10-15 minutes on a topic of my choice. Here, they ask the missionaries to speak every time they come, because our branch is really small-30 to 40 people in church. That morning, I was thinking and thinking, what should I share? 

I tried reading the Liahona and Ensign for a good conference talk I could pull throughts from. But they didn't seem right-they were fantastic as they were! I couldn't take their ideas without sharing their whole talk... SO I was running into dead ends. As I thought about what to talk about , some thing I've been learning this week came into my mind: Bearing testimony and inviting the Spirit is the only way to teach. I couldn't do it on my own with my own thoughts. I'm not a natural teacher! I get nervous and end up not making a connection with whoever I am teaching.

So I prayed and prayed for the Spirit. And as I put my pen to paper, the thoughts began to flow. I'd originally planned on talking about Charity and what I'm learning about it personally, but the words ended up tying into the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how our lives can be changed-how we can become better people. Just knowing about His sacrifice is enough to change the wickedest of hearts.
RIght before I got up to speak, I prayed again. Only Heavenly Father could make my words more than words to the our branch members. And I felt His Spririt be with me as I began to speak. I wasn't nervous. I worried, yes, when I saw what looked like blank expressions on the faces of our members, and wondered if I was making sense while relating the story of Ammon and King Lamoni and his father from the scriptures, but as I shared my testimony, I felt the Spirit. And I knew He'd not only helped me do my very best, but He helped me by allowing the Spirit to testify to me and to those listening that that things I was saying were true.
I felt more love and confidence after that moment. I was able to reach out more to the members and really understand them. I have so many imperfections and I worry so so much. But when I feel the Spirit, I feel a little bit of how Heavenly Father feels about us. I'm so thankful that He gives us that gift-That we can overcome our own imperfections to reach out to others, little by little.
And as we sat there next to XXXXXX Jamaenim, I was listening to the talks and all of the sudden realized the coventant she was making. THis would change her life forever-Her special promise with God. I'm so thankful that I got to be a part of such a miracle :)
I know that Heavenly Father loves us! He cares about the smallest things (like helping us do well on our cleaning inspection this week! Andgiving me an opportunity to talk with our sweet senior coulple, the Ridings) and He will help us if we ask Him. I'm learning so much from the scriptures-they are a fountain of truth! And I'm so excited to share this message with others. :) Little by little, we can come to know Him better.
Love you and hope you all had a great Valentines Day! (here the girls give chocolate to the boys, and on White day, the guys give candy to the girls. :)
This work is true!
All my love from Cheonan,
Sister Brooksby

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