South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hey Family and Friends!
WOW! There were so many emails I couldn't read them all, I just took pictures and I'll read them throughout the week. I'm so sorry if I don't respond to your questions! But I'll give you the update as best I can :)
So first, a little on my companion. Sister Cho Eun Cheong is from Seoul and she's a Korean superstar! She's fantastic at style and what blows me every time is how she teaches. I know I'm with her to learn a lot! She's helping me so much know how to improve my teaching skills and connection with people! I think I wasn't really progressing that way until she came :) Her testimony is super powerful, and I love just sitting and listening. I'm trying even more to find my own experiences that I can share to help our investigator relate to the principle we're teaching, and Im' finding that, as I try to improve, Heavenly Father is giving me different ideas and analogies to use that will help our investigators understand and grow in the gospel :) I'm so thankful.
Next, an overview of the work:
One of our long-time investigators, xxx is her English name, is starting to drop. We haven't made contact with her for two weeks. I'm really sad. Another two of our investigators are in middle school, and we  haven't met with them for three weeks, due to schedluing, or not being able to have an adult woman with us. ( In order to teach underage).
Even still, xxxx Jamaenim is progressing!! She just has her invterview on Wednesday, then baptism this Saturday night. She's excited and we're excited! I'm so thankful that I got to be a tiny part of her miracle. Street prosyliting is a finding method totally supported by miracles! :)
Also, because of an awesome faithful woman in our ward, we're now doing a 30/30 Neighborhood English/Gospel class! There are three sweet ladies, all with two little children. They are really fun, and they love to learn. So I'll keep you updated! Every Wednesday at 10:30am, xxxxx Jamaenims' house :)
This week, Thurdsay, all of our regular appointments dropped. We didin't have anything planned, and I was a little worried. But we spent the day making cookies and went on a huge cookie delivering run! We stopped at one home to have dinner with a really sweet woman in our ward-she had a brain tumor two years ago and has been recovering ever since. Her family's really close now because of it, but she home bound most of the time. So she loved our visit, but I have to say, we were the blessed ones. as soon as we entered her home, I felt so much love..It was like coming to my home home. That was a really neat highlight to me. I feel so thankful that I got to meet her, such a speacial, loving sister.. xxxxx Jamaenim.
Funny story!! We were running around like crazy last P day trying to get birthday shopping and clothes shopping done and made our last stop at the post office at 4:59pm before it closed. I packed up everything as hurriedly as I could and gave it to our sweet two post office ladies that are so patient with me (I don't know a lot of post office KOrean yet) so they help me, and we use body language or my companion helps too :) BUt in my hurry, I didn't realize as we left that my Book of Mornom was still there.
We were maybe 5 minutes down the road when I heard running behind me. "Customer! Customer!" someone was shouting. I turned around to see that sweet woman from behind the counter of the post office, holding her knees and my prosyliting Book of Mormon! I couldn't believe it-she'd run all the way to catch up with us, just ti give me my book.. I've decided I'l like to do something for her, I'll keep you update on what! TEnder mercies~!
ALso, yesterday I prayed that I could give away a Book of Mormon that day. I'd marked one of my favorite chapters-3 Nephi 17 about when the Savior visits the Nephites and heals their children. That day, I got up the courage to talk with a family waiting by the bus stop with us. The mom looked interested in what I was saying, and the kids laughed. I wasn't perfect at introducing it or helping them understand, but She acepted my phone number and the book, and I asked her to call us if she read it. I was so thankful. I know HEavenly Father loves us and answers the smallest of prayers.
I love you all! THank you so much for all you do!
Keep up the good work, You are HEavenly Fathers Angels!!
Love from Cheonan,
Sister Brooksby

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