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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Je Gachok wa Chinguyo!

This week our goal was to visit our members! we've been working diligently with our less actives, and we've been able to visit xxxx Jamaenim at least once a week, with the others as often as possible. We want to warm up their hearts with love! :D

Also xxx Jamaenim, whose son got baptized at the end of March, has been coming to church more since his baptism! And today, while we were emailing, she just gave us a call and invited us to dinner tomorrow! Wow!!

We weren't able to visit as much as we planned-many of our members weren't home or didn't respond to our texts, but we were able to do a big District Hwarl dong! And we got 9 phone numbers and two potential investigators this week! One of them is a sweet haraboji that wants to learn English (he came to English class! Our very first non-member!!) The other is a mom of an 8 month old baby (at first, I thought she wanted us to teach her child... ;) and she wants to do the 30/30 program. (We found some old 30/30 Program Explanation forms that Onyang Elders from years ago used- That's what we jundoed with and it helps for people to know who we are and why we teach English and sets out all of the rules ((including the Sungin rule :)) so it's just wonderful. If there's a pair of missionaries that are needing a good form to get potential investigator's contact info and give them the lowdown, we've got it!) 
Then, just out of the blue one day, we got a phone call from a woman who kapchagi thought about learning English again and remember our missionaries teach it for free. So she called the Deajeon Mission Office and got our phone number. So we're meeting with her this week too! WOW!

President, we aren't perfect missionaries. We don't have all the smarts or the connections or the money to get the word out as fast as many others can. It's like you said, if we were a company, we would be SO unprofitable. But that doesn't matter!! We're doing the Lord's work, and we can expect and rely on Him to guide us to those He's prepared. Just like Nephi told his brothers- (I paraphrase :) 
"Yeah, Laman has got fifties and hundreds to his army. And yes, there are only four of us here. But when we're working with the Lord, there's no number that can stop us when we're doing His work."

Moroni quoted Christ when he said, "If ye will have faith in me, ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me." -Moroni 7:33
I think that's one of my favorite verse now. I'm really seeing that come to pass. And we can see more and more miracles happen as we're sincerely trying to be His hands-giving all of what we have to help Him!

We are doing wonderful and seeing miracles and are so happy to be here. We feel each of your love and prayers. Let's go on together!!

Love from Onyang!
Sister Brooksby

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