South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Busy week

Hi everyone!
I love hearing from you all each week! Thank you for your time to write! :D
We've found two investigators! We've been praying and we've set a goal to do more jund each week (Sister Musselman's idea :D) so that we can find more people. It was a few days after we set that goal that we found two new investigators in two days!!

We've lost Sister xxx though-she's said she's really busy recently and she'd contact us if she wanted to meet again later.
We know that theres another reason- we know she is looking for spiritual truth, but compared to sacrificing her relationship with her family, it's not worth it to her. We hope that later, when she feels more strongly about the descision to have God in her life, she'll find the missionaries again. Planting little seeds :)

We're also keeping up with the four less actives our branch president suggested to visit. It's neat to see these sweet mothers at home with their children, doing everything they can to help them-We know the gospel will only help them! Do any of you have any ideas with how to go from just visiting to helping them make the decision to come to church? Each of them are in their own situations; A less active husband, a non-member husband who attends another church. I was so glad for the the opportunity to help xxxx Jamaenim last week with cleaning her house-If we could do someting like that for all of them I think it would help! We're stopping by once a week or so to bring cookies or heart attack their door and remembering birthdays.

We'll keep you updated! I am so thankful for our branch-they are all just like family and going to church each Sunday is like coming home. Elder Koo gave his last talk at church last week, and that made us all sad. We can't believe he's really going.... but we'll sure welcome Elder Jeong Sae Jean!
Transfer calls came and I'm staying here with Sister Musselman. With yet 9 more sister coming this Thursday, all of the sisters areas are splitting and everyone but four seniors are training :) Rock on!
Really quickly: I was looking for a scripture to say thank you to our awesome District Leader, Elder Koo and when I found this one it made me think about all of the missionaries coming: Matthew 4:19-20. It's when the Savior sees His future disciples fishing and calls to them. "Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men." and they "straightway left their nets and followed him."
Aren't our amazing youth just the same? Thank you so much for dropping everything so that you can invite others to follow HIm too!!!!
LOVE YOU! This gospel is so true, and it's the happiest thing we have to share :)
Sistr Brooksby

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