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Monday, June 4, 2007

My First Especially for Youth

Oh wow! I just came home from Especially for Youth Provo 2, and I had the most awesome experience! My group name was "Meat in Mine House." (I know its a bit strange, but its cute :D) There were 8 guys, and 22 girls in with me. I think I was blessed with the best group ever, man those kids are my heroes. And the counselors! Heather, Brynne and Ian (Santiago) they made me smile. I'm thinking I need to set them up with each other..... ;D
I've never been to EFY before, so this was my first time. I was thrilled to meet some people from my little town of Mapleton, so I can keep in touch. There were a lot from Arizona too, but sadly some from too far away to hang out with all the time...
Even though the kids were awesome, and the counselors were great, the best part was the learning. All of the classes, lectures, and firesides were taught with the Spirit, and that made it so much more. On Thursday night I cried my eyes out, it was testimony meeting for all of us. I don't think I realized how blessed I was to have a good, strong family in the Gospel. So many kids got up that came from broken homes, yet they remained so very strong. What shining examples they are to those that may be faltering. wow....
But anyway....The Dances! I loved the dances; they were so fun! Sometimes you have to be that quiet girl in the back round, but I sure wasn't!! I got out there (I think I scared some of the people in my group) and just danced my heart out! You have to give alot to get alot out of something like that. It surprises me that I used to be shy...never talking to any guys, standing behind everyone by the back wall...but I gained some of that confidence that keeps me going, and I don't think its stopped yet!
On Tuesday I wanted to sign up for the youth EFY Choir Program, but I got lost! I went to the BYU students audition instead....I laughed at myself when the guy at the front said, "Anyone with a green wristband, you are in the wrong room. Follow me please," :D
Eventually I got there and found out there were sign-ups for narrators and solos. I wanted to be a bit brave, and step out of the box, so I signed up on the solo list. I was sure I could just do maybe a duet or quartet, and just let them know in case they picked me. Oh and another thing.....I sat in the boys section on accident, when I first came in! There were some guys from my group, and they motioned to the other side of the room, whispering quickly (of course I couldn't understand them, 'til I looked up and saw everyone there..) Then I jumped up and laughed at myself again, ( I do that alot, :D)
After our next classes, I came back during free time at 3:30. There we were called out one by one for the auditions. I was very nervous when the girl came back saying my name. Then I saw, and I was very proud of them, some guys from my group that had just auditioned for narrators. They were walking back, and as I saw their confident faces, I felt better. I realized half of the guys actually there were people from my group!
So I approached the door... Only a few girls were sitting down, in a large classroom, with one guy at a piano. I quickly joined them, glancing around nervously. They called me after we had heard two girls sing. We were simply singing the first verse of "I am a Child of God" a-capella. I thought I could do that alright. As soon as I started to sing, all my nervousness faded away. I was very loud, but I didn't realized that 'til after I was finished. I hoped that I did okay as I walked out the door back to the choir room. Later I was told that we would be told the next day who received a part.
Classes were amazing both days, we had some very interesting speakers. I loved when the class was involved with the lesson. And those Object Lessons! Those were fun. I ate lunch quickly on Wednesday, then ran off to the choir room again. After practice, our director Cole, gave us a little prep-talk for those who would and would not get a solo or narration part. "We love you all," he said "No matter who we chose," My heart sunk just a bit. They started reading off names. I smiled as I heard all the names of the boys from my group. The list seemed to go on forever. I realized I had probably not made it, but I felt alright about it. At least I could support the choir and the guys from my group. Then Cole stopped. "Haley...." My heart froze. "Brooksby," I said, just hoping. He looked up and smiled at me, apologetically.

"Sorry I aways slaughter names," I really didn't' care at that point. I was just very, very happy. He could have called me "Lamb Chop," for all I that I minded!
After practice, Cole told me that I would be singing the first chorus of "I Need Thee Every Hour" and another guy would be singing the second chorus, with us joining at the end. I couldn't stop smiling. The guy said,

"That's my favorite song! I'm so glad I'm singing that one!" I was simply happy that I was singing at all. I messed up, of course, at practice many times, but I enjoyed every minute of it.
When it finally came time to preform all that we had practiced, I sang with all my heart. I don't know if the audience of youth ever got the real message of our musical fireside, but I know that I did.

Now to all those that have something they really enjoy, for me, singing, my advice would be to just go out and do it! There is something about doing what makes you the most happy...makes others happy...
Follow your dreams, it really is worth it! :D

1 comment:

    hi haley.
    this is taylor
    i just accepted your blog invitation and have been reading!
    your a great writer and have kept me entertained!
    i hope your 16th birthday was fun!
    (haha i know aubry brother had a crush on her forever! its funny to see names of people you know!:)
    welcome to mapleton
    (i live in springville...RIGHT next to the 'welcome to mapelton' sign haha!)

    anyways i hope to see you at school next year!


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)