South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"I challenge think!"

You ever had a class, (could be anywhere, not just in high school), when the teacher challenges the very fibers of what you believe? Where they question everything you've never doubted once in your life?

I have the great blessing to be in such a class. Though most of my classes this semester are 'no-brainers,' this one is sure keeping me on my toes. It's actually a class I hadn't planned on taking until Jeremy and Eric happened to me. ;)

It's Health 2600, otherwise known as 'Drugs.' Yes, I take drugs every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-3:15pm. (I'm also an assassin for the government, but no one suspects me just yet...)

The professor who teaches it, Bob Walsh, is quite the intellectual. But he is so down-to-earth and easy to speak to, he feels just like a friend.

Until he says something completely against everything you've been taught your entire life.

His goal, I believe, is to get us to argue-to really think about why we believe what we believe. Why do we have that standard? Why do we have that position on this political issue? And, every other thing that can be challenged while still discussing the topic of drugs. Very, very interesting stuff, and the best part is I recognize how much I don't know through all that he is teaching me.
There is so much knowledge available to us out there!

How come we don't take advantage of it more? I know I fail at that so often, but I love to hear people tell me something I don't know. If they begin speaking about a period in time, or subject I am not familiar with, I am normally not to scared to ask them about it, even though I may seem ignorant for not knowing it in the first place.
I don't want to let fear keep me from knowledge. And I don't want to let a challenge keep me from discovery.

Hooray for Drugs! (Yes, I know that sounds quite weird.)


  1. Assassins and drugs Haley? I think you have been spending too much time with some people. Although, I do find it interesting.

    Challenging you in your core beliefs? hmmmm. that sounds exactly like a class I am taking. Interesting? yes. Learning stuff? yes. But, for me personally classes like this are not my personality.

    Arguing until your point is made, or until you understand your beliefs more.........

  2. Way to go Haley! Now that Bob has you thinking take the next step and defend those values, articulate them. I did not do this well the first time against Bob. (or the second or third for that matter) But in the end Bob only wants you to think and speak and be informed so try it! Its fun.

  3. Mm, I really like this, it's kind of what's been going on lately in my life. I guess I'm kind of challenging myself, but I never really had a time where I asked why (with real intent, and trying to understand more) do i believe what I believe? Anyways, fyi, you are an amazing writer! You should write a book!


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