South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Haley needs to be slapped...(revised: Haley needs to be severely rebuked...)

Hi all!

Yes, it's true and offical now: Haley is a slacker! I don't know what has gotten into that girl; she hasn't been on her blog in three weeks. Ah. Well.

Now I'm back, and happy to be so! Everything that's been going on:

-More work shifts, and I'm very thankful for that
-Stake Conference talk is given and over. Yay!
-Mr. Springville is done as well, with memories made and new friends gained :)
-Morp was a blast! We stayed at the dance for over an hour; it was so much fun! He was quite a nice dance partner, and I know that I'll remember that date as a good one, for sure.
-Attempting at ice-skating for a combine FHE. That was fun! A little faith and a good pair of skates can go a long way...
-My phone and I have bonded recently, though my phone bill and I have not...
-Scholarships and Snow Blasts, auditions and acceptances...

Life has been happening, and while I'm running to keep up with it, I couldn't be happier for the one I'm living.

Yay for everything! =D


  1. What a terrible title to this post.

  2. I think it's a great title Jeremy, let's slap her!

  3. If Logan had written that comment anonymously, I would've have STILL known that it was him.

    But that's all right. I really do deserve it. ;)

  4. Logan,

    If you do I will beat your unmercifully, because that would be hitting a girl. And thank you Haley that is a much better title and I am more then willing to rebuke.

  5. Not true. And never will be.
    Having a busy life is no good reason to state such a title. If I could, I would forbid you from ever writing that sentance or stating it again.

    Logan, there is no good reason for sarcasm to that extent.

  6. Oh my.

    Guys, I appreciate all of the effort you are putting into commenting on my title, but really, it's all right.

    I'm allowed to poke fun at myself once in awhile, eh?

    No worries, and things like this make me even more grateful for the wonderful friends I am blessed to know and have.

    I feel so special now. :)


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)