South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Dawn

Studying, studying,

slowly memorizing
Indecision compromising,
What to ‘learn’ with time

Facts are drumming
Steadily thrumming,
To the rhythm of my life

Habits forming

Yet my mind wakes;
“This is not
How is must be!”

Linked to that which
I choose to learn

Perhaps, though,
Not knowing
Still wanting to know

It may not be that which
Desire within

But I can choose to give
All that I am
To know
To really know

Those things which light
My inner fire
Bring me back
To find out more

I choose to know beyond the knowledge
Fed to me
Read to me

I choose to see both sides
Find out why

I choose
to be


1 comment:

  1. Wow,

    Haley, that is real talent. That is so cool. Keep at it.


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)