South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I’m looking over at one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen in my life, and not for color, either! The sun is hidden behind a flurry of clouds, and the bright, glowing rays are bursting out from behind. It is so gorgeous! I cannot even begin to describe it in a way to do such a picture justice…


We are so blessed!

Light piercing
Radiating beams
My eyes are drawn to the glory
That my soul can't fully understand

How lovely, majestic,
The sun as it gleams
Reflecting the hope
Of one heart, of one land

Beyond the mountains
Beyond the seas,
My spirit, it yearns to fly
Away into this scene

Take my hand!
I’ll take you to this place
Outside of this world, past a veil
Beyond endless space

There we can rest
There is joy
Here in my heart,
I keep this picture
And remember

How very thankful
For every moment
For ever second
Of every day

For ever kind thought
For every person
For every good thing
And chances to play

What a moment to live in!
What a joy to be here!
Right where I am meant to
With the ones I love near

With so many mercies
And so much happiness me before

I could not ask for
One thing to change...

I could not ask

For more

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Little Joys in Big Messes

Nearly two weeks later, she emerges from the dust with, yet again, MORE WORDS!

Hi friends!

This is Haley speaking. I couldn't stop myself from running over to our computer to write down this thought before I forgot it. I think that I will have similar posts in the future on this topic. What topic, you ask?

My siblings.

And all of the amazingly incredible things they say every day.

I need a quote book for my family to look back on and laugh. I know I'm going to miss them all so much when I finally do leave for college. What will life be like without those eleven other souls in the same confined space as I am? aww....

So, to start her off, I'm going to relate a story my 12-year-old sister, Sierra, shared with us today.

Last week, we had a combined young women's lesson on missionary work. It was an awesome lesson, and had gotten Sierra and I built up for some enthusiastic sharing of the Gospel. The leaders had given each girl a Book of Mormon, and asked them to think of someone they could give it to.

After church, Sierra went to her room and prayed for a missionary experience. Now I will turn to her own words:

"I know Heavenly Father has a sense of humor, because that same night I got a dream that I gave away my Book of Mormon to a non-member." She allowed us time to chuckle, then threw in the cincher.

"The next night, I prayed that Heavenly Father would send me a real missionary experience." :D


I have another little sister that wants to take over the world. Her name is Savannah, and she's only five, but don't let that dissuade you from thinking she can.

Here is a small example of her stragety for doing so:

I am in the kitchen getting the table set for dinner. Savannah brings her peice of scratch paper over to me and asks if I'd like to play tic-tac-toe. "Sure," I say. I have time enough to finish dinner after a quick game.

Then I look at the way she drew the diagram. There were only four squares, but she'd made some fancy lines to make it look like the original tic-tac-toe board.

"I go first," she stated clearly. Then she drew an 'x' in one of the four squares. Of course, after my 'o', she placed another 'x' where I had not, and won the game with only two in a row.

She's brilliant, that one!

More thoughts to follow! The list will be endless, I'm sure... ;)

Monday, February 2, 2009

I need a moment...

Hi folks!

Yes, it has been awhile. But now, my fingers are itching and I feel the need to post once again...

I want to brag. About my little Sophomore brother.

He's 100% awesome, pure and simple.

So my Mom tells me to go pick up Tyson because he's just gotten back from our FBLA regional competitions on Friday. I drive up to the visitor's parking places and notice that familiar stride coming toward me. My brother, the handsome guy that he is, swinging as he walks.

Lo and behold, a medal (dare I spy,) on his chest! It was a nice bronze one, and quite shiny. I watch his cheesy grin grow from ear to ear as he pulls open the passenger-side door of the lil' PT.

I ask him about it, astounded, and listen as he tells me the story of how he got FIRST PLACE for "Help Desk" at Regional Competitions; the only one from our school to place first, and a Sophomore, too! I told him how very proud I was of him, and after we come home, the story is told a few hundred more times. Mom was also very excited for him, and we celebrated with goodies (always the thing to do with the Brooksby Clan!)

Ah, can I just tell you all how proud I am of that young man?

Yay for Tyson!! :D