South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, February 2, 2009

I need a moment...

Hi folks!

Yes, it has been awhile. But now, my fingers are itching and I feel the need to post once again...

I want to brag. About my little Sophomore brother.

He's 100% awesome, pure and simple.

So my Mom tells me to go pick up Tyson because he's just gotten back from our FBLA regional competitions on Friday. I drive up to the visitor's parking places and notice that familiar stride coming toward me. My brother, the handsome guy that he is, swinging as he walks.

Lo and behold, a medal (dare I spy,) on his chest! It was a nice bronze one, and quite shiny. I watch his cheesy grin grow from ear to ear as he pulls open the passenger-side door of the lil' PT.

I ask him about it, astounded, and listen as he tells me the story of how he got FIRST PLACE for "Help Desk" at Regional Competitions; the only one from our school to place first, and a Sophomore, too! I told him how very proud I was of him, and after we come home, the story is told a few hundred more times. Mom was also very excited for him, and we celebrated with goodies (always the thing to do with the Brooksby Clan!)

Ah, can I just tell you all how proud I am of that young man?

Yay for Tyson!! :D

1 comment:

Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)