South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I’m looking over at one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen in my life, and not for color, either! The sun is hidden behind a flurry of clouds, and the bright, glowing rays are bursting out from behind. It is so gorgeous! I cannot even begin to describe it in a way to do such a picture justice…


We are so blessed!

Light piercing
Radiating beams
My eyes are drawn to the glory
That my soul can't fully understand

How lovely, majestic,
The sun as it gleams
Reflecting the hope
Of one heart, of one land

Beyond the mountains
Beyond the seas,
My spirit, it yearns to fly
Away into this scene

Take my hand!
I’ll take you to this place
Outside of this world, past a veil
Beyond endless space

There we can rest
There is joy
Here in my heart,
I keep this picture
And remember

How very thankful
For every moment
For ever second
Of every day

For ever kind thought
For every person
For every good thing
And chances to play

What a moment to live in!
What a joy to be here!
Right where I am meant to
With the ones I love near

With so many mercies
And so much happiness me before

I could not ask for
One thing to change...

I could not ask

For more

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love nature?! What beautiful reminder of how much our Father in Heaven loves us! Great poem. Miss you!


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