South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mini Pioneers

My Pioneer day was awesome! I got to help register people for the Fun Run and the 5K in the morning, then headed over to Spanish Fork to be on our Model A float in their parade.
And guess what? I got to be on a float pulled by a tractor! A real, yellow-and-green John Deer tractor, with HUGE wheels and cowboy (with the official hat) to drive. How awesome is that?

I really am in Utah. No, really. Wooot!

I have more proof, too! I met this little girl, (granddaughter of Harold, the owner of Model A,) who told me that she wanted to be a cowgirl when she grew up. Yup-Six years old and she's got her heart set on farming, herding, cows and trucking. Aww...

We threw candy, but I think I was a little too generous because I ran out and could only wave near the end! But that's okay because I got some people to wave back at me too. ;)
I found out that people are more cheerful toward the beginning of the parade, but if you smile enough, you can get them to smile back even if they are tired. It's always worth it to smile!

After my adventures in the town of Spanish Fork and tractors, I drove over as fast as the law would allow to the Mapleton Park. My mother had promised to save me the kid's leftover breakfast for me to eat, and I was pretty excited for that! Actually, it was good to see my family, too. I didn't need to work at all that day, so I was super-super blessed to be with them and my grandparents and GG (Greatest Grandma. She's 95 and doing my father's laundry back in Vegas).

The kids were so full on sugar from cotton candy and snow cones that a few of them had major stomach-aches that night, poor things. I came in to check on Tanner in the bathroom as he was hanging over the toilet bowl.
"Are you okay?" I asked tenitavely.
Tanner looked up dramatically before he said,
"I'm never going to eat candy again!"

He felt a lot better after he'd thrown up, and Savannah took care of that at the park, so she was hunky-dory when we got back home! (Sorry if this is grossing anyone out...) She recovered quite quickly and wanted brownies after dinner. Wow, that girl amazes me.

I bathed her and Elias when we got back, then took my turn for a shower. Elias really wanted to play, though, and he kept trying to talk to me as I gently, but firmly closed the door to the bathroom. I knew that he needed a nap, but he told me that he wasn't tired (like they always do! ;) and continued trying to get me to come back out and play. I told him Savannah would love to play with him.

Eventually, I couldn't hear him responding anymore, so I finished getting dressed and assumed that he'd done as I'd suggested and got some play-mates. Somehow, I could only smile when I opened the door to find him
Fast asleep.
His head was right near the door as if he'd been trying to tell me something mid-sentence and then just zonked out. What a cutie! I picked him up and carried him to his bed, listening to him say profoundly as he started out of sleep:
"I'm tired, Haley."
I only laughed and covered him up in his blankets.
Goodnight 'Lias. Have a good nap!

Happy Pioneering Day!


  1. Like I said, so cute. I love the way you write, it's amazing :) I think you should be writing my snow white redo story, not me :D

  2. Why, thank you, Miss Elizabeth, but I know that I could never ever in a million years do your story justice.

    It must, absolutely must, come from you and your vivid imagination!

    You go, girl!


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)