South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bouncing on a Bridge

Hi again!

Have you ever had the grand opportunity of jumping up and down on an unstable bridge in a playground? Trust me, it's so much fun!

I have a few memories of living back in Las Vegas, and this was one of them.
Every weekday morning, all of the children three and up would get up and meet our dad outside in the park behind our house. There, we would warm up (stretches, running, exercise of any creative kind possible, etc.) in preparation for the sport of the day.

You guys got to have PE. Well, I'm so happy to say that my PE was with my Dad, and I learned so much from it! Each day he would teach us a new sport, allowing us to exercise a different area every day. I enjoyed volleyball and tennis the most, but I also really loved days when we were allowed to just play on our bikes.
"Cops and Robbers" was one of the more popular games.

Well, Elizabeth, it's 11:51 at night, and I promised that I'd post.
I'll come back tomorrow and edit this before most people see it. I'm not done; I've still got to make it interesting...

Happy Monday Night!

Signing over and out.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Midnight and the need to write


I cannot stand it. I really can't.

How in the entire wide, beautiful, magical world did I get so incredibly blessed?
I could write my whole electronic journal entry here, (I'm thinking about copy/pasting it) about just today, and you could see how amazing my Heavenly Father is. If I ever have an urge or inkling to doubt His love, all I would have to do is read that entry.

What happened? Well, I really will write more, but for now I'll just mention a few Tender Mercies.

-I was so blessed through a series of nothing-less-than miracles, to be able to go to our second to last Institute class tonight. I think I learned more in that class than I have in a long time, and not so much about the doctrine, (though that was wonderful in itself!)
I learned again how much He loves me.

How thankful I am for Brother and Sister Sumsion! That they take the time each week to prepare and really think about what they are to teach us that Wednesday. I know that the Spirit is so strong with them, and that they truly strive to have it with us in our lessons as they teach. For they know the power of the Holy Ghost to touch hearts, inspire minds, and change lives. What an awesome calling to be a teacher! I'm so grateful that they received that calling from the Lord.

-I got home from work before eleven o' clock. I walked in the door, set my things down, said hi to the kids awake, and went outside into our back yard.
And guess what? I looked up quickly enough to see a beautiful shooting star. I felt so happy! I'd been just in time, and there wasn't a better way for Heavenly Father to confirm the love I'd felt earlier that night.

And then guess what?

I saw another one. :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sparkling Gifts

I wrote this sitting outside of the seminary building one day. It was during fourth period, and there was just quiet while I watched the world happen around me. How amazing is just watching!
Mountains paled by morning mist
My soul cannot halt it's refrain
Gathered trees among the fields
Endless, endless is the rain

Lightens yonder scene away
Rivers, streams to it's end drain
Beauty, wonder, life exceeds!
Endless, endless, is the rain

Brought again by rays of sunshine
Peace, my soul is healed of pain
As the droplets whisper softly
Endless, endless is our rain