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South Korean Flag!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Midnight and the need to write


I cannot stand it. I really can't.

How in the entire wide, beautiful, magical world did I get so incredibly blessed?
I could write my whole electronic journal entry here, (I'm thinking about copy/pasting it) about just today, and you could see how amazing my Heavenly Father is. If I ever have an urge or inkling to doubt His love, all I would have to do is read that entry.

What happened? Well, I really will write more, but for now I'll just mention a few Tender Mercies.

-I was so blessed through a series of nothing-less-than miracles, to be able to go to our second to last Institute class tonight. I think I learned more in that class than I have in a long time, and not so much about the doctrine, (though that was wonderful in itself!)
I learned again how much He loves me.

How thankful I am for Brother and Sister Sumsion! That they take the time each week to prepare and really think about what they are to teach us that Wednesday. I know that the Spirit is so strong with them, and that they truly strive to have it with us in our lessons as they teach. For they know the power of the Holy Ghost to touch hearts, inspire minds, and change lives. What an awesome calling to be a teacher! I'm so grateful that they received that calling from the Lord.

-I got home from work before eleven o' clock. I walked in the door, set my things down, said hi to the kids awake, and went outside into our back yard.
And guess what? I looked up quickly enough to see a beautiful shooting star. I felt so happy! I'd been just in time, and there wasn't a better way for Heavenly Father to confirm the love I'd felt earlier that night.

And then guess what?

I saw another one. :)


  1. Brother and Sister Sumsion are incredible! Everyweek the message they bring is exactly what I need to hear that week.

    I am so thankful that they teach by the spirit so wonderfully and fill that little room with so much warmth and light.

    It's sad that this week was the second to last institute class until september, with next week being the last. Which might be my last for a while.

    I guess it depends on whether or not I live on campus or not.

    Melissa and I had a two hour talk that night after Institute, a little about the lesson, and a bunch about other things that were on our minds and we both learned so much.

    As more light enters the soul, oh the happiness it brings...

  2. Guess what In september the teacher is my old stake president David Ridges. This is the guy I was telling you about that a genius and has a photographic memory and is an absoulte genius. You all should go I am upset that i won't be able to go.

  3. Haley, I just thought that I would let you know last night me, Eric and Falisha were out look at the stars and we saw the most beautiful shooting star I have ever seen it glowed for 2-3 secounds and it was just a bright slow moving one it was very cool, and then I thought of you and this post.


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)