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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Albert's Little Twin

It's a Saturday, and I don't need to work until 11am!!! I got to eat chocolate-chip waffles, wrestle my little brother Kadin, and help move books to our Theater room (projecter is almost fixed again! Kadin decided to help, and he's doing fantastic. :) and now I'm catching up on email and blogging.
....Days later....
Whoot! I was nearly late for work trying to finish that last post. Kadin helped me a bit by writing what the below essay is. Oh, wow, if you have a moment, let me indulge; I must brag about the intense and AMAZING writing skills of my little 11-year-old brother, Tanner. He's a genius, pure and simple. I wish that I could write like this:
My Autobiography
One misty morning in California, my family and I were at a beautiful beach. Me and my dad were waking together. My dad climbed up some gnarled rocks. The rocks he climbed exceeded twenty feet. I was very impetuous because I decided that I would climb after him. I started climbing toward him but I lost my handholds and slid down the face of the rock cutting my chin open! I balked and screamed and My dad climbed back down immediately. It was ineffectual to try to walk to the car so my dad carried me there.
On the way to the hospital there was heavy traffic which slowed our arrival and increased my anticipation. When we got to the hospital my mom and dad took me to the doctor. He examined my chin and said I needed stitches. My mom held me when they stitched me up. When they were finished they gave me a book to keep, but the book had cigars in it so I said no.

After we went back to Las Vegas I got teased a lot because of my stitches. My friends thought they were absurd and I wasn’t feeling very egotistic. I was very diffident and would not have been elocutionary. I would have talked very bluntly and softly. Luckily they never had to extricate my stitches, or they would have teased me more. Trey my gangly brother usually defended me, so did Sierra.
It took about five or six days for my stitches to fade away, and I was super appreciative. In conclusion I am very happy that I do not live in a time when if something got infected they would have to mutilate it .
That was his very first assigned paper for school since he and Sierra began their Literature class every Wednesday. Isn't it incredible?! Yes, some of the words were assigned that he had to use, but he really does know what half of them meant before writing it. Wow...
I've got a lot to look up to now!
I love my brother. He's so snippin cute!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well...I feel like a shmuck (I was about to type I smell like a shmuck...I'm tired okay!)...I don't know what half those words meant XD and here I thought that I was a good writer...GEEZ! That was pretty much amazing! I think I'm jealous! XD anyways, I like it when you blog haley! You should do it more and I love your comments :) you are amazing! :) <3


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