South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bring on the Kids!

Monday, March 26th, 2012
Guess what? I got a phone call a week ago-Brother Peteresen of our newly formed 4th ward wanted to talk to me. He's a big jolly man in our bishopbrick, close to the Spirit and so humbled. "Isn't our ward fantastic?" He says, a genuine smile and tears in his eyes. He could have seen any number of weaknesses, and he is humbled to be our leader. I love him already.
With one month  til graduation and two before I enter the MTC, I really wasn't expecting a calling. But Heavenly Father has this awesome way of using us.

We were a new ward-it could have been any number of things, but Sunday morning before I met with him. It took a little bit to find an empty room to meet, but we did. He sat me down, we offered a prayer, and he told me. "We would like you to be a primary worker."

WHOOOHOOOO!! You want me in Korea AND I get to work with little kids!!!! Well, after I called our Primary President, we talked about teaching the younger age group since the workers weren't assigned as of yet. And this week I got my group-the Sunbeams, straight out of Nursery. You guys, I can' even begin to tell you what an adventure that was, but I'm learning already-Don't let them run out into the hall as soon as class is over, keep the lesson coming or come up with a game, (Denver: "Haley, can we move on now??") and always bring a treat. :)

Look at that face. It shouts HANDSOME!
Who knew this kid could make losing a tooth look so good?

Now, picture in your mind two little voices singing the V. Waltz to each other as they dance.
"Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh" As they sing, "BAM, BAM," they gently tap their partner's cheek, "Blum blum
Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh, BAMBAM Buhm uhm
Duh Duh Duh Duh Daaahhh, Duh Dun DAHHH, Dah dun dun Dan Dan Duhn Dun DadaDUN!"

I'm spoiled.

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