South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Like a Stone Rolling Forth

Happy New Year again!!! Most of our spiritual thoughts this week have been inviting our members to share their goals or "wishes/hopes" for the New Year-It's awesome to hear how each person wants to develop and grow this year. My new year goal is to love every person I meet, and to help them feel Heavenly Father's love. And I LOVE Elder Brooksby's to be a good example. He is already!! FIGHTING ELDER BROOKSBY!

This past week we had 3 investigators come to church (this is so weird...) and we have 3 baptismal dates. They are pretty solid too! One of them is for this next week-January 13th. Her mom is in town from California only until the 19th, so we're doing both her baptism and confirmation on Sunday. (The service is at 9am, which is pretty early here :D) And even as I'm typing this, I'm thinking "What?? Really???"

Sister Terry and I are blown away! Right now we have 9 investigators. And we have a potential we're meeting this week who's a member referral we met at the Ward Christmas Party. She's a really fun lady I met-and she laughed at me a lot even though I couldn't communicate super well. Maybe that's why...hahah I'm adorable in my unknowingness :D She's met with the missionaries before and she has English interest too. A mom and a fun lady! Can't wait to meet up with her-I will keep you updated :)

So this week we went to visit a Part-Active mom and her three daughters who live in our branch. They live far enough away that we need to take a subway to get there. It was the first time I'd met them. She was working in the store next to their home, so we visited there. She was watching the food channel :) We had a good time getting to know her and we talked a lot about missions. Then it came time for us to leave, and Sister Terry asked me if I had a thought I could share. I didn't but I thought of two on the spot. The first was about missionary work and the comfort Heavenly Father gave Nephi (Hel 10:3-5) but that one didn't feel right. The second was Alma 26:27. Ammon and his brothers had no success, they were laughed at by their people because they wanted to share the Gospel, then when they got there, they were beat, scorned, thrown in prisons, and on top of that, no one wanted to listen to them. Their precious message fell only on angry and unbelieving ears.

"Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about toaturn back, behold, the Lord bcomforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with cpatience thinedafflictions, and I will give unto you success."

And in the next verse it tells us how they didn't rely on themselves, but on the mercies of God. 

I didn't know that Sister Yoon, the woman with a Less active husband, worked until 2 or 3 am, went home to sleep, then came back and worked again at 6am. She'd told us how just that day their water stopped working because their pipes froze. So she was wearing a hoodie because she nor her girls or husband were able to shower. But as I shared that scripture, I testified from my own expeirence that, in our saddest, most discouraging or frustrating moments, Heavenly Father will be there.

And I've realized now, more and more, that when I do have discouraging thoughts, only when I turn to Him that I feel peace again.

I love you all. I want you to know that it's true! He will be there in our darkest moments because Christ has been there too.
I hope you are all doing well! Miracles are happening because of your prayers of faith. Thank you. I know this is not our work-it's His.

With snow and love from Cheonan, :D
Sister Brooksby

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