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South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year - Miracles

Hey Everyone!!

Guess what?? It's going to be a brand new year tomorrow!
Side note: Mom, recepie for you for one of the Korean side dishes called "panja". It's a black bean panja. really yummy. It's got soy sauce, som sugar, sesame seed oil and sesame seeds. Plus black beans. It tases really good with rice and kimchee pancakes :):):) Sierra, try your hand at it and tell me how you like it! 
I have just 7 minutes to write-we spent the day mostly travelling but then got to play at Daecheon beach. Whoo hoo! Snow and sand! And district relay races and who-can-bounce-on-one-fooot-and-not-get-knocked-over-the-longest game !!! Do you remember? Hahah ss501 all the way! :):D
Tyson! I got your letter fromxxxxx your friend from Portugal and I wrote him back today. He seems like a solid guy. Hahah I got your letter from August...woah. I think he tried to send it but it came back after a month so he had to re send it. Got it the day after Christmas. Do you two still keep in touch?

So this week I'll tell you of two of the many miracles we've seen. Cheonan is exploding with miracles! The!!
So the first is xxxxxx Jamaenim. She's 17. WE'd met her with her two friends street jundoing. We got two of their phone numbers and gave them pamplets with ours on them. We hardly ever get calls back from pamplets. But that very night she texted us and said she was very glad to meet us. We texted back and forth just "BRT" or "building the relationship". Suddently, last Saturday night, she texted us and asked what time our church started. Sister Terry and I didn't respond. We just looked at each other. Was this girl real? We told her the time, and we said we could meet her at the bus stop 20 minutes before sacrament meeting. She said "Great!!". And then....She came!!
She sat with Sister Terry while I sat with another investigator and her mom (who sokead her or referred her :):):) and our 3rd investigator sat with our members. It was a miracle-we had Three Investigators at chruch!! THen later we texted xxxxx and asked with we could meet her and talk to her and her older sister about our church. She texted bakc "OF course!". Apparently, she and her sister have been looking for religeon. We didn't even talk about English! ! ! ! WOah! 

Any how, I need to spring, but we are seeing miracles just like that! I'll keep you updated. We're so lucky! We're so blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you all! Happyt New Year! And tell me what your goals are for the next year :)
With love from Cheonan,
Sister Brooksby

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