South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rocking Korea

This week I wanted to share with you an really scary experience turned miracle.
The story begins with Sister xxxx, one of our investigators. She had a bapismal date for January 26th.Ah
Oh,, Sorry i accidentally deleted it all. Well, to make a long story short, I will tell you we were working to do all we could to get her last lesson in before she was baptized, but she called and cancelled. She also said she loved coffee... And we hadn't taught the Word of Wisdom to her yet. She didn't know..
My copmanoin and I didn't know what to do, We wondered aout changing the date, if she'd be ready still, worried about her getting busy with school starting up again and other obstacles that would surely come if we waited. So that day, that morning, we decided to fast.
We fasted all day, and even though I was more grumpy, I felt the Spirit helping us in our appointments that day. We met up with xxxxxx, another investigator, that night and taught her the Word of Wisdom, only to find out she was alreay living it! We also talked about moving her baptizmal date up a week and she said "sure!" It was incredible. Then we got to see her amazing takgoo (pingpong) skills as we had a tournament. Loser bought Dukkbokki for the winner + friends :) She rocked out loud! xxxxxx beat our Korean-pingpong champ District leader, Elder Koo. Hahha! She rocked!! :D:D
So we were talking and walking back home together when we got a text from xxxxx. It said "Yeah, I can meet tomorrow."
And Sister Cho and I jumped up and down about a million times. WHOOO Hooo!!!! She could meet!
Not only that, but when we taught her the next day, (we'd been praying every prayer we had she'd accept it) she said she would tryher best to live the Word of Wisdom. We were able to have our recent convert, SIster xxx help and bear her testimony about living the Word of Wisdom, though she'd only been a member for 2 weeks.
So she has a baptizmal date for this Saturday (she had health issues last week) and we're praying still!
I had my testimony of fasting again strentghtned. This isn't our work. It's HIs! And when we ask HIm and have faith He will answer, you can bet He will!
I love you all! I hope you are well! You are so loved!!
All our love from Cheonan!
Sister Haley Brooksby

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