South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Consider the Blessings

This week we have been looking at low numbers (trying to get our area up and rearing!) but we've been able to visit a lot! I think I may have told you that one of our highlights of the week is visiting our sweet Mongolian less-active-Nara Jamaenim. We meet with her twice a week and do the thrity-thirty program- Thirty minutes gospel and thirty of Korean :) She's learning the alphabet slowly but surely! And I just found out that she's a harmonie, close to Grandma King's age! She's so sweet-we use pictures and our white board to explain gospel principles and learn how to read and write. And anything else we just use body language and smile. She's such a sweet woman. She lives in a tiny hotel room where she also works cleaning the guest's rooms every day. Her husband passed away, and her two children are living in Mongolia and Las Vegas Nevada. She keeps in contact with them and her grandchildren (andother one in May!) via Skype from her tiny room. She doesn't have many people that she knows here in Korea, but she does have us and the branch, where she goes whenever she has a day off at work. She also goes faithfully to the Seoul Temple any day off she has, and she has pictures of temples that she keeps right with her picture of her children. She studies her scriptrues each morning before work, and now she's dilliegently studying Korean :) She just learned how to write 몰몬경 (the Book of Mormon) in Korean and we were all so excited! :D And whenever she saves up enough money, she invites us to dinner with her or orders it to her tiny room for us to eat :).
Oh my, I can't tell you how much meeting this one woman has brought me so much joy! I'm so glad we have a reason to meet with her twice every week :) She has this ability to make you feel so loved.
We also visited with our other Mongolian less active (baptized three years ago, has a husband and two little girls), her name is xxxxx
. She's fantastic at Korean because she studied so dilligently when she moved here (over 9 years ago). Her daughter is now of baptismal age, so we want to work with her to see if she can take the lessons and be baptized. Just need to be her friend for now, then little by little... :) Miracles can happen!
Other than these visits we've been able to interact more with the ward-4 families invited us over for dinners this week! WE've been inviting them to look for missionary opportunities, getting to know them, and sharing fun stories (everyon is blwon away that Sister Musselman has 13 kids in her family, it's a great line opener :) It's fun to get to know our members better and what they're all about! I really love Onyang Branch.
We're also getting our English conversation class started this Saturday! Our Branch President has called a couple in our branch to be the English class coordinators, so we have help too! Now we're going to be contacting everyone to come :D
Other than that, we're working on Jundo, Ka Ka Ho Ho (door to door) and pass off :D
This morning I was reading President Monson's address on Consider the Blessings. I loved his testimony! In that talk, he basically says how looking back on his life, he can see the little blessings that ended up helping someone else-answering a prayer, or recognizing the answers of someone elses prayer (the Jumbotron talk!).
Its really all His timing! And all the while, as we're looking for the blessings He's sending, we'll find them :D
I love you all! Trey, this will be the last email you can read until you're sending your own from the MTC! I'm SO proud of you!! Rock it out there, don't give up, know we're rooting for you and have FUN! :D:D:D
Elder Brooksby I'm always praying for you. I hope you keep seeing miracles in your area. I'm so so so thankful that it's not in the numbers, it's in the people. I love you and I'm so proud of you. I don't think you'll ever know.
Mom, Dad, you got this-Sending another one off! The blessings are going to keep coming. I love you both so much, you've taught us so well. NOw it's our time to remember, learn and grow!
Please always be happy and remember how much your loved! This Gospel is the fastest way to happiness-it's all been figured out by our loving Heavenly Father. All we have to do is follow Him. :)
I love you!!!!
Love Sister Brooksby

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