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Monday, December 29, 2008

Unconditional Friendship

It's that time of year again! Time to make those new commitments that you pray you'll be able to keep and remember (don't forget to write them down!), and time for Martinellis Apple Cider as we all count down to a glorious new year.

I'm posting my New Year's Resolution a few days early, because I want to get started on it now.
Here's my thought:
You've heard of unconditional love, right? The kind of love that sees beyond weaknesses and struggles, into the heart and soul of a person and loves them anyway for it?

Well, my goal for the New Year is unconditional friend and familyship. That means that whatever friend I make, whoever they may be and whatever situation they find themselves in, I will be their true friend, unconditionally.

I will not look at a friend and judge them for an action or word that I may not agree with. I will not critique how a person is dressed, point out flaws in another's character, or gossip about anyone in a poor light. (I'm all for the positive gossip, though!)

It's not going to be easy; human nature judges people so quickly. But I know that if I'm striving to become a better person and more like Christ, it's something that I definitely need to work on.
Unconditional love=Charity=Pure Love of Christ

I want to share quote that I found in my scriptures that goes along quite well with my new goal.

"Charity is, perhaps, in many ways a misunderstood word. We often equate charity with visiting the sick, taking in casseroles to those in need, or sharing our excess with those who are less fortunate. But really, true charity is much, much more.

Real charity is not something you give away; it is something that you acquire and make a part of yourself. And when the virtue of charity becomes implanted in your heart, you are never the same again. It makes the thought of being a basher repulsive.

Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don’t judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone’s differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn’t handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another’s weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other.

None of us need one more person bashing or pointing out where we have failed or fallen short. Most of us are already well aware of the areas in which we are weak. What each of us does need is family, friends, employers, and brothers and sisters who support us, who have the patience to teach us, who believe in us, and who believe we’re trying to do the best we can, in spite of our weaknesses."-Marvin J. Ashton, Ensign, May 1992

I really like that quote, and it makes me realize how much I can do better in showing Charity to all men. So, that's my New Year's Resolution!

If you'd like, you are welcome to post your own here in the comments section, or on the springvilleseniors2009 blog.

Happy New Year, everyone! :D

1 comment:

  1. wow...that is all I have to say. WOW! You inspire me. I'm going to do this too. Wow. Really, you completely amaze me. I needed to read this, thank you!


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)