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South Korean Flag!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Chorus of Sounds

Sometimes I sit out on our bench on our porch just to think.
Sometimes I have friends that come visit me there.
Somtimes I have a few little ones to play "I Spy" with me, too.
And sometimes, those little ones and I change it up a bit.

On one of these particular occasions, we played "I Hear" instead. We enjoyed picking out the different birds, katydids, lawnmowers, dogs, and sprinklers. There were even some odd sounds we never identified.

This post is dedicated to the many wonderful sounds I hear and have in my life.

The sound of laughter as I wrestle Savannah into bed, then chase her back into it once she manages to escape.

The sound of my Elias and his very loud voice shouting anything from his excitement of dinner or enthusiasm for his lego creation to his prayers before bedtime. He's a child with no end to engery, I believe!

The sound of bodies rolling on the floor while playing "Monster"

The sound of pattering feet and small voices calling my name before they embrace my lower legs in a hug whenever I need go out in my car. Then the pattering follows me out to my car for another hug, the door shuts with help from little hands, and then the grunt of Elias s he helps me get my car out of the garage while it's in drive. ;)

The sound of a chorus of coughs. Though they are not healthy, I sure am glad they're still here.

The sound of heavy panting and feet thudding on the pavement-laughter often included;

The sound of the wind as it sings while you pass it;

The sound of friends.

The sound of little Denver's excitement as he approaches then shys away from the glass door as the rain pours in sheets outside. His cries of pleasure and screams of delight while his siblings tease him about the storm.

The sound of instruction in a dedicated building.

The sound of little fingers squeaking down my mirror while the owner looks admiringly back at his reflection. The only way to describe that face is CHEEKY! :)

The sound of waffles sizzling in the iron as my amazing brother (Ty) gets up at 7am to make breakfast for his family. How I love that kid!

The sound of the Windex bottle being squeezed way too many times for a healthy bathroom mirror, then the chatter and smiles as the three youngest help me scrub. Yes, it wasn't the best job in the eyes of a professional, but it sure was the funnest time I've ever had cleaning the bathroom! (Try is sometime-I promise you're hands will be full, but your heart can't help but be light!)

The sound of ripping...The dreaded Toilet Paper Shredder. He (Denver) comes when you are not present and confettii abounds!!

The sound of my little sister's prayers.

The sound of a friend playing the electric guitar while I play the piano late at night after rice krispies. Elizabeth, you're amazing!

Ooh, there's too many to list them all!
But how thankful I am that, like blessings, sounds abound all day.

Honestly, what would I do without my ears?


  1. Dear Not-Benjamina, this isn't a comment for this blog post...but...Haley I need your email pronto! Please and thank yous :D

    Your devoted follower,

  2. Hey Not-Ben!

    Sure, it's

    Have an awesome day!

    Toodles ;)

  3. I like it!

    I like it I like it I like it!

    I know it's sorta late, but I had a comment, and late is better than never, right? My excuse fingers were paralyzed, and my nose is way to big to poke just one letter on the keyboard at a time. HA! I convinced myself.

    I really like this post, because I can see the picture in my head, I can hear the lawnmowers in the background, the crickets, the birds, the siblings laughing, windex being emptied onto the poor mirror, the waffles cooking (but usually the room then fills with smoke and the smoke detector goes off), and the many other sounds and moments that may take only seconds before they disappear altogether. These moments are easy to miss, easy to forget.

    Some of my favorite sounds are these:

    My little sisters running up the stairs in the morning (when I've slept in) and then stopping just outside my door. They don't think I can hear them whispering. Then they slam the door open, and charge, screaming their battle cries. The dog has joined them. :( They jump on me (easy 'cause I sleep on a mattress on the floor) and push/pull me halfway across my room.

    Rain falling on the car windows, or against your bedroom window.

    Friends and relatives talking and lauging in the living room. (I don't join them. Talking is for grown-ups.)

    People on the creaky deck behind our house, noisily slurping juicy watermelon, following by spitting. I swear half of the melon is lost running down their chins. ;)

    More battle cries as the little guys have figured out snappers are great for throwing at Denver's bare feet on the 4th of July. Then there's lots of cries of panic as I chase them all over the yard. They never learn their lesson.

    Well, that was long, and I wasn't even finished, but heck--I'm glad I have ears too.

  4. Wow!!

    Denver, you should write a book-seriously. You are such an entertaining writer!
    and artist! And story-teller!

    What CAN'T you do, I'm curious?

    I agree, though I do wonder how you managed to pararlyze all 10 (or was it 11?...) or your fingers. That's talent where I'm from.

    I'm so happy that you still have your feet after those poppers, and that the tire is yet intact for now. You even have your limbs still!(Just until you get that zip-line running again, eh? ;)

    And one more thing-I want to really meet your amazing, battle-crying sisters! I think I would look up to their skills, both the older and younger ones. How did you get so blessed to have that many sisters, my friend?

    Happy day for family!

  5. I love this post, I think it'd be really interesting to go for a day (as long as you're not driving and such) without a sense and watch how the others sharpen (Haley I'm so not amazing, you are! Ahh I could listen to you play piano all day long!)


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)