South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pray for Autistic boy Hit by Car...

This week we got to visit our oldest members of the branch, Brother xx
and Sister xx. They don't live in an apartment like most everyone,
but in a small, two-room cottage home with cement floors. It was
really neat to be able to go. The only interaction I'd had with them
had been at church, and I just thought she was a sweet grandma with a
big, warm smile and an adorable. always bundled-up husband. I did know
they both loved to sing (so many do here! Singing is a cultural thing.
They many  "No Rae Bangs" here are proof of it :). But when we went to
visit, we first saw her out in her front yard at 6pm, dilliegently
hoeing away at her garden. She's in her 70s and works all day farming,
recently (because it's wintertime, and they make kimchee in the winter
and store it all year) has been making kimchee. She immediately rushed
us in and sat us down to talk with her husband while she dissapeared.
He began talking with us, and though I couldn't understand the details
of what he was saying, I could feel his wisdom and humor coming
through. Instead of a stranger, he became another grandpa to me in
those short few minutes. I felt really warm and happy being in their

Then Sister xxx came back-with dinner! Sister Won and I had already
had a sandwich from Isaac Toast, so we weren't super hungry, but she
fed us soooooo much!! We were bursting by the time we left. Affter
sharing a throught from Moroni 7, Sister xxx offered us her son to
walk us to the bus stop, because it was really dark, her home was on a
hill, and there were many trees around us making it harder to see. We
all went out, she put her arms through ours, and we all walked
together (her son just behind us, her husband safely warm inside). It
was a wonderful feeling.

I am so so so thankful for our kind branch members. These are truly
special people. I could never have imagined what experiences I would
be missing and people I couldn't be loving if I hadn't decided to put
in my papers to serve.

One important event I wanted to tell you about:
There's an autistic boy in our ward, about 13 years old. His mom and
dad watch him and bring him to the church to play, but he's very low
functioning, cannot speak, and cannot think through his actions (like
leaning too far out of the window.)

Saturday, about 4:00pm while prepping for our English class with the
youth, Brother xxx told us he was missing (he normally plays around
the church during our class). We all set out immediately to find him.
After no success for an hour, Sister Won and I had to leave to Jundo.
I worried a lot, thinking about Takoda and what we would have done.
The youth had to do their mutual, so two men kept searching. That was
around 5 or 6pm. We came back from Jundo at 7:45 and found them.
Brother xxx was on the phone. The police had found him, because
someone had taken him to the hostpital. He had been hit by a car.
Because of his mental condition, eh couldn't get the required
treatment he needed in Suncheon, so they've taken him to Seoul
hospital. his mom is with him now, and the rest of the family stays
here. If you have a spare moment, please please pray for him and his
family. They are a wonderful family. His name is xxxx.,

This work is true, I love you Thanks you
Love Sister Brooksby

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