South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Beautiful Monday Morning!

Hi Everyone!
It's a beautiful Monday morning and I'm excited to tell you about our adventures this week :D

So this week we met two new investigators! One is a woman we found during Jundo who agreed to meet again (she's a grandmother who's taking care of her grandson and looking for work, so she needs the Gospel especially to feel the happy even when it's hard) and a woman in E Mart who stopped us when she saw we were missionaries! She's also older, and has been really curious about our religion. We haven't been able to meet her yet, but I'm excited to share my testimony with her and how much this Gospel has blessed my life! And just last night, while we went jundoing, Sister Cho ended up talking with a middle school student for at least 10 minutes or so on the street, found out that she was interested in learning about the Gospel, and got her phone number and we're going to get a return appointment with her! I'm so thankful It was just last a couple weeks ago that we wanted to focus on finding new investigators, and already the Lord is blessing us. I feel so blessed.

Our Cheonan Ward is exploding in desire to help the missionaries too! This past Sunday, we were able to share a brief introduction on how our youth can help with missionary work (we visited Young Women's and primary and talked with them for 5 minutes about the 30/30 program and the power of youth in bringing their friends to the Gospel). The Primary was all for it! And I think as week keep our awesome youth involved, we can see success together through English class, or outside activities to game nights with them where they can bring their friends and have a fun time, and also listen to a message about the Gospel. Our Ward Mission Leader, Brother Choi, is brainstorming with us each Saturday durnig Correlation Meeting on how we can involve the members more. We also left church yesterday with three bags of food from our members, and a couple more scheduled shiksas. I feel so happy-we are so blessed! I want to do the best we can to return the love to our ward and see miracles happen! 

Wow, I'm so excited for the incoming new missionaries! The Church is also coming out with that new curriculum for youth-getting them more involved in lessons where they can discover their testimonies (like missionary work, all the way!!) and now they have a new MTC prep class that's just like the MTC training! Elder Goo also said that the applications went form 700 to 2000 a week, and my friend wrote me that there are 56 new missions opening up! Wow this is so amazing!! I'm seriously blown away-I feel such a strong spirit and so happy for the incredible response from all the youth!! We are going to see the world flooded with missionary work! 
I know that Heavenly Father is ushering in all of these new and willing youth to share His gospel all over the world-I'm so happy and proud of all the new missionaries!

I want to do my best for Him! I know that I'm really lacking in so many areas, but I do know that everyone needs the Gospel, and it's such a blessing to have this chance to share it.

Alma 26:35,37 I know that Heavenly Father is completely aware of all of His children, and if we are doing our best He will be the strength we need to see miracles happen. Because this is His work!

I love you! Until next week,
Sister Brooksby

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Doing Awesome!

It's so much fun having a third companion! And she's fantastic at English because she went to three years at BYU already. She's super pretty too! I'll send you pictures of us all next week :D She's really full of enthusiasm and a desire to learn-I love having her because I feel the joy she has for missionary work and her desire to do her best! As a missionary in the middle of your mission, it can be easier to forget the WHY behind why we're here. So I know that Heavenly Father gave us a precious gift in delaying Kim Jamaenim's visa so that we could get her :) She's so adorable! And she really loves people too :D

This week we got to be instructed by Elder Aoyagi and his beautiful wife for a every 4 or 5 month Mission Tour. They are both from Japan, so some of the meeting was in Japanese, then translated into Korean, then into English. But Sister Aoyagi was so cute! Even though she told us frankly that giving her talk  in English was so difficult for her, she did it! The whole time besdies her introduction. I felt their love and faithfulness so much, and I have so many notes! It's so wonderful to be able to go to an awesome meeting tlike that, and like Sister Cho says, to get recharged for the missionary work.

We are seeing more miracles-we found an Onyang former investigator, and she's super cute! I'll write you more next time. Know that the lord love seach of us and this is His work. I love you all. I hope you are well and always remember how much God loves and wants to bless you ! :D

Sister Brooskby

Dear Brother and Sister Brooksby,

I want you to know how much I think of your sweet daughter. She is a sweet blessing and influence in this mission. She has a wonderful disposition and attitude. It is not easy day after day to keep going and sometimes wonder what good is getting done. She stays upbeat and optimistic.  I also appreciate the calm and soothing spirit she has about her.  Her testimony is solid and she has a kind loving way of working with people.  I appreciate her so much. 

Sister Brooksby sang a duet as part of a zone choir number for our mission tour meeting. It was very nice.

Thank you for raising a sending to us such a terrific young lady.

I hope you are feeling the spirit of the work she is doing here.


Mark C. Furniss, President
Korea Daejeon Mission

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hey there all!
First off, I'm so sorry this is so late but Happy Birthday to Tyson, Dad, Grandma King and Takoda! I hope they were fantastic. (Was his cake made out of doughnuts? That looked so cool!)
Whens Grandpa King's birthday?
 HI to Jen and Elizabeth-Sister Neal and Sister Korman! Love you! Letters are coming :D
So this week we went to Stake Conference enjoyed two hours of awesome testimonies and experiences, sang in our ward stake choir about have we done any good in the world today, and got to see all of our Zone missionaries and President and Sister Furniss! Right before the meeting started, President Furniss approached me.
"I have a favor to ask of you." He began.
"Of course!" I answered, really curious now. What does the Mission President need us to do? Normally...big things?
"There's a sister in Gwangju who's got her mission call to Hawaii and is waiting on her visa. She's going to join our Daejon missionaries while she waits. Would you mind another companion?"
I was a bit surprised at the suddeness of it, but super happy :)  So! We're getting our apartment all ready for a new sister!-new bed, space in the bathroom, clearing out unused stuff in the closet for her clothes, etc. She'll be coming tomorrow at 9:46am and we'll drop off her luggage and go straight to an appointment at 10:30am. Hitting the ground running!
 I'm really excited to get to be her first experience with missionary work. Because she hasn't yet been to the MTC- she'll be getting set apart and sent to our area first. We'll do our best! I've seen her picture too, She's really cute :D XXXX Jamaenim!
Cheonan and Onyang are doing great! I had a miracle happen this week. We've noticed that while the Cheonan side is full to overflowing, our Onyang side hasn't had anyone since before the end of last year. We've been going to Onyang once a week to visit our Ward mission leader there, Brother xxx, and for other people, but we haven't been able to find an investigator there. So for the last three weeks I've been doing something really small. In my nightly and morning personal prayers, I've been praying that we might find someone prepared to hear the Gospel in Onyang.
A couple of days ago (the Wednesday just before transfers) the elders were travelling on a bus and happened to be in a conversation with a woman on her way to Onyang. She was interested, and so that night, the elders called to give us her phone number! We set an appointment the next next day (we weren't able to meet because she cancelled) but I KNOW that was a direct answer to my prayer. I know He cares about the smallest things that matter to us! I'm so thankful that He loves us so much.
Other news:
I just got a call from Sister xxx this week!  She told me a miracle happened. In January or Feburary of this year, xxxxx Jameanim's parents hearts softened and they gave their permission for xxxxx to be confirmed a member of the Church! She's also allowed to come every Sunday and she is! I'm so so so so so thankful that the Lord knows everything and that it all will happen in HIs timing. All our faith and prayers were supposed to happen for a reason. Yay for xxxxxx!!!!! See picture :D:D:D:D:D:D
Glasses and Contacts are really cheap here. Mom, if anyone breaks something eye-vision related, bring with. THey can get a new pair for supre suerp cheap with perscirptio. 20-30 dollars.
How's Trey doing? HOw are you doing? Has it sunk in? Can't wait!!
Love you all!
Sister Brooksby