South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dear Brother and Sister Brooksby,

I want you to know how much I think of your sweet daughter. She is a sweet blessing and influence in this mission. She has a wonderful disposition and attitude. It is not easy day after day to keep going and sometimes wonder what good is getting done. She stays upbeat and optimistic.  I also appreciate the calm and soothing spirit she has about her.  Her testimony is solid and she has a kind loving way of working with people.  I appreciate her so much. 

Sister Brooksby sang a duet as part of a zone choir number for our mission tour meeting. It was very nice.

Thank you for raising a sending to us such a terrific young lady.

I hope you are feeling the spirit of the work she is doing here.


Mark C. Furniss, President
Korea Daejeon Mission

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