South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hey there all!
First off, I'm so sorry this is so late but Happy Birthday to Tyson, Dad, Grandma King and Takoda! I hope they were fantastic. (Was his cake made out of doughnuts? That looked so cool!)
Whens Grandpa King's birthday?
 HI to Jen and Elizabeth-Sister Neal and Sister Korman! Love you! Letters are coming :D
So this week we went to Stake Conference enjoyed two hours of awesome testimonies and experiences, sang in our ward stake choir about have we done any good in the world today, and got to see all of our Zone missionaries and President and Sister Furniss! Right before the meeting started, President Furniss approached me.
"I have a favor to ask of you." He began.
"Of course!" I answered, really curious now. What does the Mission President need us to do? Normally...big things?
"There's a sister in Gwangju who's got her mission call to Hawaii and is waiting on her visa. She's going to join our Daejon missionaries while she waits. Would you mind another companion?"
I was a bit surprised at the suddeness of it, but super happy :)  So! We're getting our apartment all ready for a new sister!-new bed, space in the bathroom, clearing out unused stuff in the closet for her clothes, etc. She'll be coming tomorrow at 9:46am and we'll drop off her luggage and go straight to an appointment at 10:30am. Hitting the ground running!
 I'm really excited to get to be her first experience with missionary work. Because she hasn't yet been to the MTC- she'll be getting set apart and sent to our area first. We'll do our best! I've seen her picture too, She's really cute :D XXXX Jamaenim!
Cheonan and Onyang are doing great! I had a miracle happen this week. We've noticed that while the Cheonan side is full to overflowing, our Onyang side hasn't had anyone since before the end of last year. We've been going to Onyang once a week to visit our Ward mission leader there, Brother xxx, and for other people, but we haven't been able to find an investigator there. So for the last three weeks I've been doing something really small. In my nightly and morning personal prayers, I've been praying that we might find someone prepared to hear the Gospel in Onyang.
A couple of days ago (the Wednesday just before transfers) the elders were travelling on a bus and happened to be in a conversation with a woman on her way to Onyang. She was interested, and so that night, the elders called to give us her phone number! We set an appointment the next next day (we weren't able to meet because she cancelled) but I KNOW that was a direct answer to my prayer. I know He cares about the smallest things that matter to us! I'm so thankful that He loves us so much.
Other news:
I just got a call from Sister xxx this week!  She told me a miracle happened. In January or Feburary of this year, xxxxx Jameanim's parents hearts softened and they gave their permission for xxxxx to be confirmed a member of the Church! She's also allowed to come every Sunday and she is! I'm so so so so so thankful that the Lord knows everything and that it all will happen in HIs timing. All our faith and prayers were supposed to happen for a reason. Yay for xxxxxx!!!!! See picture :D:D:D:D:D:D
Glasses and Contacts are really cheap here. Mom, if anyone breaks something eye-vision related, bring with. THey can get a new pair for supre suerp cheap with perscirptio. 20-30 dollars.
How's Trey doing? HOw are you doing? Has it sunk in? Can't wait!!
Love you all!
Sister Brooksby

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