South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hi all my awesome family and friends!

Oh my GOODNESS I've been flooded with love this week! My desk is COVERED with letters from you! Thank you so much Steph and Kayla and Sari (I seriously couldn't stop laughing! Oh it was SO good to hear your voices (?) via paper again!! I'm so happy for Kendra!! How're things going with them? ARe they at USU? Lindsey too! When I saw that she's getting married, I just smiled-She'll do so well :D What's he like, do you know?
Oh you three sound so good! Sarah, I was way surprised at your letter. I'll reply just as soon as I can get a pen to paper. I love and miss you three!!)
Elizabeth, Amanda, Mom times 3!! and Elder Brooksby- Thank you so so so much. I'll reply soon! 사랑해요!
So this week we had our awesome Sister xx called us up to say she was visiting our investigator (they became friends last year when she came to church) and invited us to come along! We got to sit and visit in a very comfortable enviornment and just get to know them both a little more as we talked-It was the perfect headway to start meeting Sister xxx (our Kudoja) as missionaries again! That Wednesday we had such a good time together, we scheduled another appointment with her the following Friday. :)

Sister xxx came also, and she bore testimony of what we taught and it was just such a good spirit-Sister Musselman also did fantastic for her first lesson with an investigator-bearing testimony about prayer and how the gospel has blessed her and her family. Sister xxx told her thank you, and that she felt the Spirit as she taught. We all did. I'm so proud of her! I believe the most important factor in evaluating a lesson or teaching is if the Spirit was there. She's already pro :)

She's also picking up the spirit of pass off! She saw the example of the elders (Bigler and Holt Jangronim) in our district after meeting with them during General Conference, and she made a goal that she would do a principle a day. She's roaring through it now! There's nothing like self motivation and a coulple good examples :D

One more thing!  We got to have a dinner with our Jiboo Hweojangnim (wow that looks strange in English..:) and his family! We'd been thinking about what to share with them that night, and I'd been thinking about a message on missionary work. I'd prepared an activity to do with the family for that night, and then that day during General Conference there was a couple solid messages on missionary work! As I watched them, I felt really good about the message we'd share.
We had wonderful dinner and looked at pictures and Sister Musselman astounded us all with her penny whistle skills!(have you heard her play? It looks so fun!) and finally if came time to share. I was a bit nervous because it was my first message for our President and I was representing the missionaries in his branch. I didn't want to be pushy, but I knew that I'd felt that this was the message Heavenly Father needed us to share. So we did the activity (I asked everyone to close their eyes except their 2nd oldest daughter xxx, then gave her a giant handfull of candy. Then I asked her what she wanted to do with it. She honestly wanted to keep it, but her mom helped her share :D:D So she gave the candy, one by one to each person and they were allowed to open their eyes.) Then we read together from Lehi's dream in the Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 8:10-15. I talked about our individual testimonies and how the gospel has blessed us and our families so much-We've been able to eat the sweetest fruit! And how so many don't know, they can't see this gift, they don't know it's there. I talked to them about the blessings we can receive from just opening our mouths, even if our friends or family don't accept our invitation to learn more. Then we read verse 16 together. It's always worth it to share, because God has blessed us so much, and the peope who will listen, will come. They will partake of the fruit! And then, when we make it back to the Celestial kingdom, we can make it together!!

That's really the essence of missionary work. I don't want to go to the Celestial Kingdom without taking all my friends and family with me!
Family-I had a memory blast this week I had to share-
Do you remember our very first Nancy Drew game together? Mom, Sierra, Savannah, Kiah and I? It was the Message in a Haunted Mansion one, with the creepy birdy eyes that one was missing... hahah
So a about a month ago, I thought of it! We were in English class in Cheonan (when I was still with Sister Cho), and Elder Bigler was teaching. He was going through some riddles in English as part of a fun introduction to the class. ("What's black  and white and red all over?" We all think about it  for a while and try a few shots at it. "It's a Newspaper! Because it's 'read' all over!"
Suddenly, I thought of a riddle-I asked if I could share it (this is where you'll remember, we were trying to break a code to get into (was it the piano bench in the mansion?)) "What gets wet the more it dries?"
....Got it? you bet you do!
A Towel!
:D I wanted to share my Nancy Drew-using-missionary skills with you. Awesome, huh? I love you all. I hope you are doing well and playing lots and having fun! Make memories! And maybe somehting you learn in Nancy Drew can help liven the mood in your future Mission English Class :D

From Onyang with love and cherry blossoms! :D
Sister Brooksby

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