South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, April 1, 2013

New Area New Companion!

Hi Everyone!
I'm in my 6th transfer, (8th in total) 2nd area: Cheonan/Onyang, but now we're split-Two sisters in Cheonan, two in Onyang. I've been in Cheonan since December.
We just transfered last Thurdsay (28th) and I got a new missionary to train Sister Musselman. She's just like somone off of Pride and Prediduce (can't spell ) -her major is English and she's an awesome reader/writer and dreams of becoming a novelist! We're in Onyang with our awesome branch! And we've got our work cut out for us :D We have One Investigator : Hong Jamaenim (sister), and we're planning and praying and brainstorming for more :D
We've also talked with a member in our ward who's given us referrals in the past (exp. xxx Jamaenim who we've begun teaching again) about ways he's seen the most success in his mission. My goal this week is to get an English class organized and get our memebers (especially the youth) involved and maybe invite their friends too!
And in the meantime, Sister Musselman is dilligently working on the language and jundo! She shared her first message with our Branch President's wife and children last night at dinner, (she prepared so dilligenly, you should have seen her :) and I've already been blown away at her free-speaking abilities! My favorite is when she bears her testimony. We're going to move mountains together in Onyang! :D

Sorry I forgot to end my email. I love you all! Thiw work is true! I'm so proud of you all!! Keep having fun, doing missionary work, working hard, learning lots, relying on the Lord, smiling!!!!!!!!
Sister Brooksby

OH! PS Our Member's son (she's less active, but she's totally like a member! ) Got baptized! I'll send pics next time :D

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