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South Korean Flag!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No Time for Life

So. It is currently 9:00pm, and I would like to go to bed; (doesn't that sound nice? 9pm!)
But I also got addicted to blogging, and that can't possibly be a good thing.
Can it?
How come it's so much fun to just sit and write random thoughts in the hopes that some person or other will read and actually understand what you are attempting to say?

Ah. That is the question. So I found a song that I wrote when I was twelve. I think I'm going to post it, just because I can, right?

If I Truly Seek

There are times I get so saddened
By all sins and thoughts I soon regret
How can I learn to choose what makes me happy?
How can I learn,
Never to forget

Then I look at all I truly have
There’s no one else on Earth I’d rather be
With the knowledge of my Savior
I feel my spirit’s free

To learn all things line upon line
And gain, with faith, to some degree
Knowledge of my Savior’s life
If I truly seek

I can exemplify His light
When I but ask on bended knee
Because He knows me so much more
If I truly seek

Every time I offer up
A prayer of true sincerity
To guide me, Lord, to what Thou wants
When I truly seek
Now that I think about it, I'm really just being a insufferable poetry-spaz. But, thankfully, I have friends who love me anyways. Thank goodness for that! =D

English Analytical Lesson!

Hey, I'm back with more!
This time, it's an somewhat of an English assignment. (I know, sorry, more stuff like homework!) I learned a lot from my collge class, and one of the things I loved most was analyzing seemingly random information. The following poem was an attempt at such 'random' structure of words, but I promise, there is a meaning.


Hello me
when I am walking down the street
I tap the beat
on my knee

It’s such a beautiful thing
And the world we live in

I glance across the road
And know
That you are glancing
From below

Ripples of reflection
Serrated edges that seem
To have no direction

I cannot tell
Where you end or
When I glance
Down the road
From above
To below

Slipping through time
To the beholder
Flowing on

Schools are following
Trees are falling
Gently down
Into the sand

I call through the blur
But so far
Is the distance
Only waves can you hear

Surround me

Bright flashes
Lightly glitter
Make me shiver
As I see

Such a beautiful thing
Is a river
Ocean valley,
Creek or sea
I wish you the best of luck in translation! ;)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Something Sad

Right. So, remember contentment vs happiness? (ie, you can be content with yourself, and still be miserable, because you just can't be happy all of the time.) Well...

One of the most heart-wrenching sights for me to see, is that of one of my siblings, ill.
I came home from school to my poor little sister, Savannah, only just five, lying helplessly in my parent's ginormous bed, flushed from head to toe. She was tossing about in her sleep, and I felt so awful. I went over and gently sat down beisde her and just stroked her hair. Watching as her eyes moved from under the eyelids in rapid sucsession, I wondered if she was having some sort of bad dream. What could I do? I felt so helpless.
Later, just before my family really got ready for Family Home Evening, I got the feeling to go check on her. I went and sat down next to her on the bed, and noticed that she was awake.
"Haley," she said, looking up at me with trusting eyes. "I'm hungry inside." I smiled slightly. This was a good sign.
"What can I get for you, Savannah?" I asked her quietly. She looked around.
"Those green things with butter, but not rasins. NO rasins." She clarified with great emphasis. So I dutifully went to my kitchen to create her 'ants on a log' snack with absolutely NO ants-Celery and peanut butter. Don't ask me how I knew. Maybe it's just experience. But she really like it, and ate them all. Happiness again!
After FHE, I heard her tiny voice.
"I don't want to sleep downstairs, all by myself, Haley." Oooh, who could resist those adorable blue eyes?? Without asking for parental permission (I get in trouble when I don't do that every so often...) I quickly told her she could sleep with me in Sierra and I's room. I pray that I don't wake her up in the morning getting ready for school.
That little girl is an angel. What would I do without her? It makes me appreciate so much more when she is healthy and full of life. She's still got her spunk, though, sick as she is. Heavenly Father sure blessed us with a very independant and plucky spirit!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Siblings: Forever Friends

Want to know something so cool?

Heavenly Father blesses so many of His children with permanent friends. That means for life and beyond! And for those who don't have any, He gives other friends.

Looking at my family, I realize how much I take them for granted. What would it be like it my parents had only decided to have one child: me? I would miss out on so much! I know that the Lord placed those personalities in my family that would be very different, but also fun to unify. How can I not help but love each and every individual in my family; all of those traits that I can learn to apply in my own life, that seem to come so naturally for them!

Oh, of course, we cannot forget the daily/weekly romps! I watch my younger siblings run away in terror as I growl ferociously on my hands and knees, charging dramatically at the nearest little flying body part. And the game they made up called Dragon Shoulders. Has absolutely nothing to do with dragons, it's simply an excuse to test Haley's upper body strength and stamina. I tell you, with these kids, I'll never get old and fat! =D

But really. How often do I take them for granted, too? Coming home from school after a long day, and all of them want to show me each of their creations, or tell their stories for the day, and I simply don't have the time. It helps me to remember that building relationships with people I get to be with forever is so much more important in the long run. It's like what President Monson said: "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." Find joy in the journey.

Homework can wait. Friends can wait. Life can wait.

Let's play!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oh, oh oh oh...For the Longest Time

Hi everyone! I know it's been awhile, but I'd like to start blogging my own page again, thanks to some inspirational friends. So, here goes.
Just a thought I'd like to share.
Some of the greatest trials that we face are not physical, though things like the death of a loved one are extremely sad, but on a much more personal level. Today, as I was sifting through the choices I had made, I looked back with some slight frustration that I had not handled certain situations better, or said something a little kinder, or perhaps just been more humble. There are so many things that I battle with every day, just with myself.
This inner struggle, that each of us face daily, inspired me to begin writing again. In poetry. I used to write so much more when I was younger and had more free time. But I would like to pick it up again, simply because it allows me to let some of my pent-up emotions out better than just writing. Rhythm helps me organize my thoughts into coherent phrases. Perhaps it will help you to understand where I am coming from as well. :)
The Inner War

There is a battle
Fought deep within
To purge the soul;
Destroy the man

Of choices, truth
Or choices, lies
Each decision rests
To what ye stand

Deceiving one
And blinding more
Cannot you tell
Ne’re told before

‘Tis light, ‘tis truth
The pathway clear
Which moral standard
Abides here

O Man! Continue through
The strife;
Exactly what you were
To be

This battle, daily, for me fought
Of forces good and forces ill
Choose ye this day, as I cannot
For such decides the human will

Cannot ye see?