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Monday, October 20, 2008

Siblings: Forever Friends

Want to know something so cool?

Heavenly Father blesses so many of His children with permanent friends. That means for life and beyond! And for those who don't have any, He gives other friends.

Looking at my family, I realize how much I take them for granted. What would it be like it my parents had only decided to have one child: me? I would miss out on so much! I know that the Lord placed those personalities in my family that would be very different, but also fun to unify. How can I not help but love each and every individual in my family; all of those traits that I can learn to apply in my own life, that seem to come so naturally for them!

Oh, of course, we cannot forget the daily/weekly romps! I watch my younger siblings run away in terror as I growl ferociously on my hands and knees, charging dramatically at the nearest little flying body part. And the game they made up called Dragon Shoulders. Has absolutely nothing to do with dragons, it's simply an excuse to test Haley's upper body strength and stamina. I tell you, with these kids, I'll never get old and fat! =D

But really. How often do I take them for granted, too? Coming home from school after a long day, and all of them want to show me each of their creations, or tell their stories for the day, and I simply don't have the time. It helps me to remember that building relationships with people I get to be with forever is so much more important in the long run. It's like what President Monson said: "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." Find joy in the journey.

Homework can wait. Friends can wait. Life can wait.

Let's play!

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Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)