South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Brooksby and Won Show!

Sister Brooksby here, reporting from Cheonan! 

My new companion is Sister Gretchen Terry from LAS VEGAS Nevada! It's way fun when we introduce ourselves, because the Koreans here think Sister Terry's dad is a card dealer, that her family lives in a casino, and she sleeps there too. Hahah! I was actually surprised that most Koreans know where Las Vegas is-even though it's not in there country. 

Anyhow, she's laid-back and SuPeR fun to work with! I think it's because you can really tell she loves missionary work-She loves Jundoing to people-talking to them on the streets! She really is a natural. :) And because this is her last transfer in the mission, she'll die and I will introduce this area to my next companion. I'm not sure if you remember, but I'm awful with directions and finding places without MapQuest or GPS- Hahahah Pray for me! ;)

Cheonan is a fantastic area! We have one ward and one branch (in OhnNyang) and we share them with Elders in this area :) It's fun! 

The ward members here are so FUN! (Especially the Bishop here-he's hillarious.... ;) The missionaries that have served here have told me stories about how when the missionaries eat with his family, he always takes a picture of them at the end, and at some point (after a few normal pictures) he starts grabbing random stuffed animals or blocks or heavy things (for the elders) to hold and pose with!!! I've never laughed so hard when he told us his and his wife's love story! You can tell he's told it a few times, but it had to have been especially funny this time because Sister Terry was translating for Elder Zaleski...have you heard about her translating abilities? They are not only for the words, but what the story-teller is saying in his head too. She translates thoughts. Some thoughts they maybe haven't thought yet... I don't think I've ever seen Elder Goo laugh that hard since I've come out-he was red in the face and could barely breathe :):):)

 AND I LOVE OUR ONYANG BRANCH! They are JUST like a big family-not quiet but totally fun people! I'm so excited to work with them :):):) Our JibooHwaiJangNim (Branch President) loves his branch too. Awesome Spirit in that building. Wonderful people-I feel so loved.

And we got to set an appointment with a woman who's come to English class maybe once or twice before. It was during English class. We were talking about weather and our favorite kinds. Elder Zaleski said he really likes Stormy Weather. That led xxx to start talking about this world and how sometimes is hard to feel happiness, even though there are good influences and bad influences. We asked if we could talk to her after and we found out that she really wants to be closer to God. We we so excited, we set up a time to meet. And, since one of our ward member's daughter was getting baptized that night, we invited her to stay and see. She said she couldn't make it but that, as her faith grows, she wanted to be baptized in our church. I was blown away. 
So we meet with her next Wednesday to talk with her and help her get closer to God. Whoo hooooo!!!! MIRACLES HAPPEN!!!! 

Hahah, okay, so since I've managed to go from the very bottom and warmest part of our mission for Sisters (where it's still fall), to the second to the top in the mission, it's gotten a little chillier. We have to bundle up a TON! Hahah Mom THANK YOU FOR THE SCARVES! I'm wearing two, (along with two pairs of socks) going to buy warm stockings today, and I'm loving these boots! I'm even thinking about earmuffs. They're super adorable here :D

OH! and I ended up giving away my gloves to a woman that had none. (She was visibly shaking!) Sister Terry had a second pair. It was a neat experience. :)

So every Thursday we get to meet with our OhNyang Branch Mission Leader, a man in his 80s who just loves the missionaries. It was the day we traveled to Cheonan that I got to meet him, and we had such a fun time getting to know him and showing him my pictures of you, family! Both Sister Terry and Brother WonBae were impressed with how well I could communicate after having been in the country only 3 months. I honestly didn't think I could speak as much Korean as I was able to until I transferred up here. And I understand more too! After talking with Sister Terry, I think it's because in the southern part of Korea, the people have a heavy Saltari, or accent. That particular accent is very difficult to understand. So when I moved up north, also because I'm in a much larger city and lots of people from every where in Korea come to work and live, I could understand more! It's an incredible feeling. I know that because of the 2 years of listening to Korean Music and watching the movies and dramas, I was able to get a head start on recognizing the speech, but more than all that, Heavenly Father has really given me the gift of tongues.

OH! One funny experience I want to share: My first night here, Sister Terry and I went Jundoing. We talked with everyone we could, one of whom was an older woman (harmonie or 'grandmother') who was walking alone. We asked her about her religion, and she said she was Christian. We responded happily and said we were too, then she looked at our name tags and saw that we were missionaries. Oh! She said. I wasn't sure if it was a positive reaction or not...but she started reaching into her purse for something. Suddenly 3 dollars flashed into view and then into my unexpecting hands. Immediately both of us started to refuse, trying to give the money back. "We are serving missionaries," my companion said. "We can't accept your money." But she didn't hear it. She said to take the money and buy something warm. Then, I didnt realize why at the time, she quickly took off running down the street. I yelled a goodbye greeting, defeated. She had completed her good deed for the day. The three dollars remained with us.

We're planning to give it to someone who really needs it or give it back if we run into her again. Hahahah!

In PMG there's a quote I read this morning. "Leave your area a better place than when you came." When I read that, first I thought about Suncheon, then I thought about Dad. Thank you Dad, for always teaching me to leave things better than when I came :)

Suncheon was a slow area when I first came. When I left, we'd met xxx and seen her baptized, (still no confirmation, but I know she will receive it someday!!) began meeting with one of our youth's non-member mother who's never agreed to meet with the missionaries before, met xxx and her wonderful family, seen many miracles, and Suncheon will progress even further, I just know it! It wasn't anything I did-we just worked and did what we could, but God saw fit to bless us beyond what we thought.

And now here we are in another part of the Lord's field. We set our Transfer Goals on Friday with the faith that we can see 2 baptisms. It's all in His hands. We just go and do!

With love from Cheonan!

Sister Brooksby

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fun Pictures of Sister Brooksby Sister Won and FOOD!

Pray for Autistic boy Hit by Car...

This week we got to visit our oldest members of the branch, Brother xx
and Sister xx. They don't live in an apartment like most everyone,
but in a small, two-room cottage home with cement floors. It was
really neat to be able to go. The only interaction I'd had with them
had been at church, and I just thought she was a sweet grandma with a
big, warm smile and an adorable. always bundled-up husband. I did know
they both loved to sing (so many do here! Singing is a cultural thing.
They many  "No Rae Bangs" here are proof of it :). But when we went to
visit, we first saw her out in her front yard at 6pm, dilliegently
hoeing away at her garden. She's in her 70s and works all day farming,
recently (because it's wintertime, and they make kimchee in the winter
and store it all year) has been making kimchee. She immediately rushed
us in and sat us down to talk with her husband while she dissapeared.
He began talking with us, and though I couldn't understand the details
of what he was saying, I could feel his wisdom and humor coming
through. Instead of a stranger, he became another grandpa to me in
those short few minutes. I felt really warm and happy being in their

Then Sister xxx came back-with dinner! Sister Won and I had already
had a sandwich from Isaac Toast, so we weren't super hungry, but she
fed us soooooo much!! We were bursting by the time we left. Affter
sharing a throught from Moroni 7, Sister xxx offered us her son to
walk us to the bus stop, because it was really dark, her home was on a
hill, and there were many trees around us making it harder to see. We
all went out, she put her arms through ours, and we all walked
together (her son just behind us, her husband safely warm inside). It
was a wonderful feeling.

I am so so so thankful for our kind branch members. These are truly
special people. I could never have imagined what experiences I would
be missing and people I couldn't be loving if I hadn't decided to put
in my papers to serve.

One important event I wanted to tell you about:
There's an autistic boy in our ward, about 13 years old. His mom and
dad watch him and bring him to the church to play, but he's very low
functioning, cannot speak, and cannot think through his actions (like
leaning too far out of the window.)

Saturday, about 4:00pm while prepping for our English class with the
youth, Brother xxx told us he was missing (he normally plays around
the church during our class). We all set out immediately to find him.
After no success for an hour, Sister Won and I had to leave to Jundo.
I worried a lot, thinking about Takoda and what we would have done.
The youth had to do their mutual, so two men kept searching. That was
around 5 or 6pm. We came back from Jundo at 7:45 and found them.
Brother xxx was on the phone. The police had found him, because
someone had taken him to the hostpital. He had been hit by a car.
Because of his mental condition, eh couldn't get the required
treatment he needed in Suncheon, so they've taken him to Seoul
hospital. his mom is with him now, and the rest of the family stays
here. If you have a spare moment, please please pray for him and his
family. They are a wonderful family. His name is xxxx.,

This work is true, I love you Thanks you
Love Sister Brooksby

Found the Lost Haley

 We had our yearly Sister
Conference yesterday, and because we traveled to Deajeon and back (2
1/2 hours one way), and were meeting with the other sisters all day,
we had no time to email.

It was really fun to see all of the other Sister Missionaries in our
mission yesterday. When Sister Rouche told me that the applicants have
gone from 10,000 to 50,000 a week (matching your figures too, Dad!) I
was blown away. I really couldn't believe that was happening. WHAT!
This is a huge HUGE thing for the church!!! This many more
missionaries will make such an incredible difference to each
mission....How are they going to fit them all in the MTC?? Build
another one?

I have this pass-off program here, where I need to memorize the
sentances of the lessons in Korean. (I don't have to use them, it's
just for grammer and vocab skills). At first, it was hard for me to
see the point of memorizing all of these sentances, pages and pages
and pages, that I would never use. But I found that when I started to
do it, I began to feel good to see my progress, especially when I met
the goals that I set for myself. It also helped to have a supportive
companion who gives me time to do pass of and my district leader,

About our work:

We're doing great and keeping it so fun here in Suncheon! We have an
awesome district, (Elder Rice left us for Jeonju, but now we have
Elder Esplin, from my older dongi and we're loving him!) and we just
had our final district meeting with our senior coupld. They are so
wise and kind and fun, I really don't know what we're going to do
without them. They were the true wisdom in our district. Brother Jo
and his wif Sister Lee will be our next senior couple, starting in
December. :) We're excited to have them too! I love their famlily.
They have a sweet little daughter, Min Ah, who's 28 and lives with
them because she has the mentality of a 4 year old. She radiates the
Light of Christ, and we just love her!

We've finished one transfer, and are moving on to the next. I found
out in our mission, you never have a companion longer than 2
transfers. Also, it's said that the Junior companion moves more often
than the Senior, but I really want to stay in Suncheon come end of
November. I'm praying He'll let me stay :)

Sister Won and I recieved a referral this past week from a member in
Daejeon. He had a less-active daughter who had just moved to Suncheon
to live on her own. She was 17 years old.

We met with her last last Friday and didn't teach much, just at
crackers and moon pies together at the church and visited. 

She remembers attending church. We're not sure how long it's been since
she last attended, but she laughed when she found out there is a
branch here in Suncheon. Then Sister Won asked her if she remembered
anything in particular about the Book of Mormon.

To my surprize, she said yes. There was a verse that she remebered.
Getting my scriptures out, again she surprized me by quoting the book,
chapter and verse clearly. Alma 37:37

 37 aCounsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for bgood; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the cmorning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

What a prepared young woman. As we talked about the scripture she'd
remembered and what it meant to her, I couldn't help thinking and have
since, "When the Gospel is in your heart, no matter how long or how
far you go from it, it always stays there." XXXXX testimony was
still there, after all the years of not attending church. She still
gained inspiration from the one scripture she remembered. Her life
wasn't easy-she was seperated from her family in a different city and
lifestyle, her parents were divorced, and she must feel awfully
lonely. But she gained comfort knowing that her Heavenly Father knew,
and He wanted to hear from her, whatever she wanted to say and
whenever she wanted to say it.
She accepted our invitation to come back to church, and we planned to
meet at the bus stop by the church.

The next day, we had a family home evening with the XXX family (that
same man who invited us for Chu Seok and brought a branch to Suncheon
through his faith.)
We hadn't prepared a spiritual thought beforehand to share. Sister XXX
prayed as she thought about what to share with this family. I listened
as she shared with us Alma 37:37, that same scripture XXX had shared
the night before. As she opened to the verse, I felt we needed to tell
this famiy about XXX and her situation. Naturally as could be, that
same thought melded into Sister Won's message as she shared it. I
could feel the deep compassion and love this family had, and I knew
that Heavenly Father had prompted us and was directing them. There was
no better people we could share XXX's story with than that family
that night.

That Sunday we tried to contact her with no success, and she wasn't at
the bus stop as planned. I worried about her. Sister Won said we'd
done all we could do. Sadly, we continued on to the church.

Sacrament meeting was going over. We heard from our Senior couple as
it was their last Sunday. We could feel of their love, and the branch
member's love for them as they said good bye and we'll miss you.
Suddenly, Sister XX was motioning me to move over a chair. XXX had
come! Hair a little damp from the shower and walking delicately, she
came over to where we were and sat with us. I was so happy! I knew
that Sacrament meeting going over was a miracle :) Because our Senior
couple was leaving also, the ward sisters had prepared a huge meal for
the whole branch to eat together. XXX was well fellowshiped, and we
were both so grateful. We even got a branch picture!! (I'll send it
next week, I don't have the cords with me this time.)

I'm so thankful that Heavenly Father really cares about the "one", and
that we as His missionaries, get to be a part of each tiny step.

Another tiny step I wanted to share-We got to meet up with our two
male investigators, Brother xxx and xxx, last Friday. We'd already
sogaehed (referred) them once and dropped them once. Because they were
pretty inconsistent and sparradic, it was too hard to meet. But they
called us up and meet we did! And they really are sweethearts-They'd
bought us dinner! We were both really hungry, because our FHE
appointment didn't leave room for dinner. Miracle!!!! SO thankful :):)
There was a really good atmosphere that night. They were learning and
speaking a lot of English, and they had questions. So when we turned
to the Gospel part, they really listened closely. I had practiced
teaching the 2nd lesson all on my own early that week and day, and it
was the first time I'd taught it. We had a cute colored chart for them
to follow along with as I spoke each simple sentance (which simple was
good, as they had no Christian background). At the end of the lesson,
the said they'd like to go to church once they have a knowlege of what
we're teaching, and then, Sister Won taught the method of prayer and
invited one of them to pray. Brother xxx immediately motioned to his
friend. haha!

He didn't want to at first, but Sister xx just folded her arms and
bowed her head and waited, and I followed suit. Then Brother xxx
prayed. It was awesome, and simple, and perfect. It's the first prayer
I think he's ever offered in his life. And I can't help but be so
excited for him. How neat is it that we get to help Heavenly Father's
children take the tiniest steps to remembering Him, having faith in
Him and changing their lives for Him. It was a really simple
experience, but so important-
As Brother xxx and xxx open their hearts, they can realize that they
do have a Heavenly Father, and that He does care about them. Every
little detail of their lives-all of their strongest desires, and
deepest pains. And He will help them.

I think I've worn you out by now. It's a lot to read :)

Thanks for sharing with me our adventures and miracles here in Suncheon.
This Gospel is such a blessing, and an even greater one to share it.
Keep the Faith!
As Always,
Sister Brooksby

Sister Missionary Sits on WHO?

  • All Koreans have buff legs and strong arms. Due to the erratic and

spasmadic bus system (it's not really that bad, I just like to make it
funny ;), we are constantly bouncing, leaning, adjusting, and
shifting. My first few days here were pretty rough on the buses. Ahh,
greenie time is the best! When I commented on how well everyone fared
on the bus, (managing to stay upright without sprawling all over
strangers) Sister Won just smiled and said "They are used to it."

Again, we were travelling when I made this blunder. I was sitting on
the side closet to the window. There was a woman next to me, and then
an isle down the middle of the bus. I'd planned it out. I wasn't going
to be tricked this time. I was going to stand up, move swiftly in
front of the woman's legs, and stay there for just a moment before
heading down the isle. But when our bus stop was called over the
intercom and I attempted to execute aforesaid plan, I found myself
jerked back onto the lap of another Korean citizen attempting to
disembark. Hurriedly, I tried to stand, the bags in both my hands
crashing around me. (They didn't spill, but it would have been really
funny and very sad if they had!) Somewhat shamefaced, I turned back to
look at who I'd sad on as I disembarked. Long, grey robes. A balding
head. Tiny slippers.

I'd sat on the lap of a monk.

He didn't seem to perterbed, (I'm so glad!) but smiled at me the next
time I caught his eye. I have to say, it's pretty funny when a sister
missionary accidently plants herself in the lap of a Buddaist monk. ;)

Funny Story of the Kindness of Korean Grandmas!

So this week I have some really fun stories!

Here's your first one:

One morning, on a morning like most mornings, Sister Won and I were
waiting for the bus. I was doing the usual and looking at everything I
could get my eyes on, bouncing on the balls of my feet, trying to read
the signs on buildings and occasionally successfully attempting to
recognize the words. That morning there was a sweet woman, maybe 60 or
so, waiting with us, like normal. We made eye contact and smiled, then
continued doing what we were doing.
Suddenly, out of nowhere someone was tugging on my clothes. I had on
an outside brown cardigan, and I quickly glanced to see who was
pulling it off of my shoulders. To my surprize, it wasn't Won
Jamaenim. It was the woman. She was talking to me quickly in Korean,
but I was still completely lost as to why she was undressing me.

With the cardigan off, she flipped it around and helped me put it back
on. At that moment I recognized the problem.

I had dressed myself inside out.

I sheepishly finished putting the now right-side-out cardigan back on,
and bowed thanking the woman. After we'd gotten seated on the bus, I
whipped out my planner. "Today," I wrote, "My fashion sense was saved
by a woman at the bus stop."

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 4 In Korea!

We do cover the whole 'city' of SunCheon, as well as all the little
and big cities inside it. There are 300,000 people in our area-The
streets in one place we Jundo are always packed with people (check out
pictures on the internet of a K'n Shinea or big mall type area.), so
we can talk to a lot in a short amount of time. They are often busy,
so we go different places where we can slow down and get a stronger
relationship built before introducing who we are and our message. I
love those times the most- we can be more friendly together :)

There are two other companionships in our discrict. Gwanyang and YeoSu
Elders! They are super funny-We talk to our district leader, Elder
Stanger, every night to report on the work, and he's hillarious :)
Yes, I have an MTC Dongi with me! His names Elder Walker, and he's
Elder Stanger's companion. people think that Elder Walker is
quiet-like Trey-but he's really random and funny (what would you do if
a spider dropped on your face? "I would eat it") And I'm really glad i
have him.

Food is awesome! I love kimchee, and everything! Sometimes our
district wants to go have american food-I generally perfer Korean. I
have a funny story to tell you next week about Sister Won's mother's
spicy sauce, but I'll save it, unless i have enough time. Lemme tell
you, it's really hot stuff... ^^
Sister Won is from Incheon! She was born inn Austrailia though, I just
found out last week! Pure KOrean through and through though :)
P-Days we either have time to shop here, or go somewhere like the
beach as a district, our last p day we spent as a Zone playing sports.
Lots of fun!

I'll write mroe later, love you!

Kay I'm back for just a few more minutes!

I wanted to tell you about a really neat experience. Sister Won and I
were out Thurdsay night, just finished eating with the XXXXX family
(one daughter, 13 years old and never lets me takes pictures of
her-she's SO cute!!! And she loves playing with my hair :). We saw
some adventures going on (singing, lots of people,) and wanted to
explore, but we decided to Jundo (tract) instead. I'm so thankful we

We went to our normal small shinae, close to our apartment but still
lots of stores and people. We were just walking around, looking for
someone to talk with. I saw three moms sitting and talking as two of
their kids played around the front of the stores. I wanted to go talk
to them, though it seemed like they were busy talking. So I looked to
Sister Won. "Go ahead," she said "It's okay."

So I approached one of the mothers. I talked about how cute her kids
were, and told her we had a message about families. She was busy and
attended another church, so I gave her a pamplet and said bye for now.

Feeling a bit down, we continued to keep looking. While we were
looking to cross the street, all of the sudden a man caught my eye,
and he was walking toward us, starting intently. I'm sure I looked a
little surprised.
He approached us and began speaking in fast Korean. I was a goner, but
Sister Won had us covered. It seemed like he had seen missionaries
like us before, in Canada. They talked. She shared what we believe. I
felt the Spirit, and I know he did too, because he was listening
They talked (mostly he shared his story,) and we listened and nodded.
At one point, he was talking about hard things for him, and we could
tell that this was a tender subject. We testified that he could be
forgiven! That through Jesus Christ, he could find peace and be a
better person.
I need to run, but we ended up talking for 20-30 minutes there on that
sidewalk, his eyes watered up at one point. He said he wanted to ask
us (he's seen lots of missionaries before), because of the light he
saw in our eyes. He gestured to us and talked about our eyes.
We left him with bread and a book of Mormon. He gave us the bread he'd
just bought. I felt such a good/sad feeling as he walked away. Both of
us were quietly standing there for a few mintues after he left, tears
streaming down our face. We both wondered if he was an angel.
As we were walking quietly home, Sister Won pointed at something and
started to laugh. I looked up quickly-it was that man!! There he was,
in front of a mini stor, reading the Book of MOrmon!!
Was he for real? We laughed all the way home :)

I love you all! Have a great week, this work is true and changes lives!

Sisister Brooksby

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exciting Week!

Everyone I'm so happy I get to email you!

I just found out that I can print your emails from where we are, so I can spend more time writing you this time and in the future :) So happy!

How are you all? I want to tell you thank you so much for the letters and support-they mean the world to me :D

Uncle Wayne-I didn't start getting your letters until I got to Korea, but they've been a blast! I love reading your fun thoughts and hearing about your family. Thank you for sending them weekly-I look forward to them.

Joseph, I just got your two letters in one! Thanks for writing back! There's just a few hours each week (sometimes less) for letter writing, so I'll reply just as soon as I can. It takes about 2 weeks to get a letter there and to get one here. Can't wait to write back :)

Elizabeth! Your letter should be there in a week-Same thing, I may only be able to write every other or other other week. I love you so much-keep me updated via email too (mom can forward them) :) I'm so excited for you-are you stoked for your mission? It's coming up so quickly! Life's really fun too, I totally am with you.
I have to tell you, cutie, there's a power in missionary work-You never feel Heavenly Father's hand more near than you do when you are His missionary. It's a really special feeling. I know you will love it-It really is just serving, heart attacking, (seriously, we do so much here! And delivering banana bread, visiting, singing hymns and sharing spiritual thoughts) building the kingdom of God just like Ammon did. You're already so wonderful at being a good friend-Missionary work really is just like that :) Serving His children, being there when they need you, finding out what their needs are and helping to fill them. And He helps you the whole way. You know!! I love you! Fighting!!

Ok, so with the program I'm using to upload pictures, I can't tell what pictures I'm uploading. I'm hoping that the one I've uploaded for you is the one with Sister Won, I and the Jo family at Chu Seok. We're all standing in their home, they have two daughters and one son, and their spouse + two grandsons here in Korea, with their other daughter married and in Los Angelos.

Not the right Pictures Haley!!!! Lol
This is one of our branch member families-Sister Won and I weren't sure if we'd be able to attend Chu Seok with a family this year (Chu Seok is Korean's Thanksgiving), but as Church was ending, Brother Jo Jung Hyun (he's the oldest one in the picture, the grandpa of the family :)) came up to us and asked us if we had an appointment. Then he took us home and we met him and his family later that evening to spend Chu Seok together! It was super super fun! You don't always need to know the language to understand the love in that home. I laughed a lot-their two grandsons are adorable! They reminded me so much of Denver and Elias-just being little boys with big noises ^^

So remember how I told you we had only one investigator that we were meeting with? We love Hong Jamaenim, and we've been praying to find the other investigators prepared in our area. Two Saturdays ago, we did a brownie Jundo (where all of our district from our three areas meet after making lots of brownies) and talk to people about fere english and pass out lots of flyers and surveys for them to fill out. Because nrealy all of us are Americans, we use English to get passer-by's attention (Elder Stanger, our District Leader, says "Hey, How are you? Want to learn English?" and "Free Brownies! I made these brownies myself, come learn free English!" He's really great :) And then Sister Won gives out pamplets and I ask if they'll fill out a survey so we can contact them later.
It's really fun, I took picutures for you! I'll try and find the numbers and send them next week.
From that event, we got over 80 phone numbers, met over 210 people, and we had a family and a sister call us about English! We've met with both, and they are awesome! The Sister, Choi Su Ji, is married but not living with her husband, and has had bad experiences with churches in the past. She's really sincere, and wants good friends, and she's willing to try. We're really excited for her.
Our family has a father and daugther that are super good at golfing. She's been on TV before :) He's a really loving father, and because she's going to Florida to compete (i think), he's interested in the English part of our 30/30 program (30 minutes English, 30 Minutes gospel message.) After meeting them last Monday, they listened ask Sister Won taught them about the Book of Mormon and the Bible, and we found out that they attend a church they are highly committed to already. But the father really likes the sound of our faith, and he says he feels peaceful about it.

I want to do my best for this family-I've been thinking about what things she'll need to know first off when she gets to America, how to manuver in the airport, order a taxi, meet new people. It's really neat, because I just had the experience (and am currently experiencing) of learning another language in the MTC. So as I think about the things she'll need, I can remember what really worked for me too. We're in the same boat. She's 13, (12 in American age), and really responsible. Plus, it's awesome that she already likes to study English. :D

4 new inevestigators in 2 days. That was our first miracle!
Our many others happened on Wednesday of this week.

Our plan for the day was to visit three people. A member family, Sister Kim Mi Kyul, our less active, Sister Park, and our investigator with almost a baptizimal date (her husband is slow to give permission). (Choi Family) that evening. We had prepared cookies and paper hearts to heart attack, then a message to come in and share.

We walked for a while. It was hot :) We got to our first apartment-Sister Je. To our surprise, the hearts we'd placed there a few weeks ago on her door were gone, and she didn't seem to be home. So we left cookies and a note and our love. Our next was our less active, a mom with a non member husband and two daughters, Sister Park. Sister Won's been here for 3 transfers and she's never been able to get a hold of her. We knocked and rang, but she wasnt there, so Sister Won sat down to write a note. We taped up the cookies on the door (no one steals things here!), and started for Sister Kim's house. On the way, we noticed our cell phone was missing! But Sister Won said we could go back for it after we visited the Kim family.

Sister Kim has a cute autistic son who doesn't speak, but has a lot of energy. I really respect her so much-she's so kind (helping me with how to write Korean, looking at our family pictures, and telling me about her sons) and she and her husband have a bit responsibility with their son. Sung Hyun is his name. He's maybe..13 and more low functioning.
We talked with her, found out she was really busy (I told her her hous rememinded me of our own-laundry, books, toys out ^^) but she stilll went to get us grapes to eat. And Sister Je was there! They were friends, so it made sense, but it was a miracle to me! We talked about our families and how we found out about autism (mom, I think you two would be great friends), and I told her again and again how much I respected her. (as much as I could tell her). After hearing how busy she was, and seeing how stressed she was, I felt sad. I wanted to do so much for her, but I couldn't teach her Institute class or watch her son for her. (we can't babysit). But sister Won and I had prepared a message and a song. As we opened our hymn books and sang "Love One Another", I could feel the Spirit come immediately into the room. What I could not do, what we could not offer, we all knew He could. And it was so neat-the power of feeling the Spirit can communicate so much more to the soul than we ever could through words. I felt really glad that we could do at least that. Maybe that's just what she needed!

Back on the streets we went, searching for the phone. It wasn't on the stairs. And the cookies we'd left on Sister Parks door were gone. We didn't have her number so we borrowed a phone and tried to call both. No answer. We walked home and went to the apartment office there to borrow their phone. She answered, but said to wait. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes we sat (the people there were really kind and gave us chairs to wait while their business went on.) She called, and said she was really busy but could meet up with us close to where we were. It was both our first times ever getting to talk to her!
She met us in the parking lot, carrying our phone! I expected her, because of the nature of who we were and that she was busy running from job to job, to give us the phone and run off- but she didn't. She stayed in the parking lot and talked with Sister Won, and me a little. She told us about where she was spiritually-that she remembered her conversion with good feelings, but she didnt' feel like she had enough faith to keep going to church. And it was hard. She was still interested in our English program, and we offered our help for anything she needed. Both of us really wanted to help her-shes so needed!

As they were talking, I realized-This was our third miracle. Had we not lost the phone, we never would have got to meet Park Jamaenim, hear her feelings, and offer her our love and support. It really was Heavenly Father's hand. Who knew, losing something could lead to a miracle?

(Speaking of! I have to tell you-last night I did something a bit blonde. We were at the bank checking our balance. The card insert place was all in Korean, but I'd done it before. I put my card in and had to cancel a transaction, then went to grab my card and pushed it in further. It got stuck. Then, after Sister Won and I tried to get it out, the bank machine ate my card entirely....hahha! It's gone! We're going to try and go back today. I had a little cash for travelling today fortunately, but I'm still a blonde :)

We aren't alone in this work-I know it! And I know that everything we do is lead by Him.
Mosiah 4:12 talks about the blessings we can be assured of as we give our all and reach out to serve others. I know that as we do, angels will be around not only us, but around those we are serving and our families. I am so humbled every day to be a part of it. It's a life-changing opportunity to serve.

All my love from Korea!

Sister Brooksby