South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Army of the Lord

Toward the Light, marching on
Following their inner song
Calling out for righting wrong
The Army of the Lord

To the enemy they go
Fearing nothing, faith bestowed
Spirit’s strength to fight their foe
The Army of the Lord

Flowing banners ringing true
Sunlight steaming ‘round and through
Each warrior’s eyes alighted new
The Army of the Lord

Swords erect and faces bright
Heaven’s message sent in light
To the hearts for victory’s fight
The Army of the Lord

“Peace, be still!” The Master cries
The vision draws His servant’s eyes
All time is stopped; strained for the wise
The Army of the Lord

And though the battle rages still
The inner man He wished to heal
Yet such decides the human will
The Army of the Lord

So standing, He, to knock comes by
The call goes out both far and nigh
“Believe me, live, and never die,
Oh Army of the Lord!"

Take my heart, oh Conserlor,
My sword is Thine forevermore
My shield to guard my heart in store
I’ll come, I’ll join
The Army of the Lord

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Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)