South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Ahh! So many things to say...

First of all, isn't it interesting how a single event can either brighten or crumble your day? That is, of course, if you let it. A comment, smile, situation, glance, or just a word each has their effect, thought we may not realize it at the time.

I'm learning to let myself be aware of the needs of others without letting it affect my day in a poor way. Do you know what I mean? Yet I still wish the world were a completely confusion-free, 100% happy place sometimes. I know that would be ridiculous, and that you really learn to appreciate all of the good when you are presented with the bad, yet sometimes....

There is another thing. You know how we are supposed to keep our lives in balance? That is difficult at times! My life is very much like a teeter-totter at times, or maybe a trampoline. Yes, a trampoline works as a beautiful analogy.

But beautiful things surround me, how can I remain in a discontent state?

The snow! How I love the snow!!! I love to go dancing in it, on days where it is warm enough to turn the snow to slush. This brings me so very much joy! :D
Plus, when you have lots of free time, and go writing in the snow.... that’s fun too. Eating it is a marvelous experience, though some would say it is poor for your health. That is one thing they can say all they want to, any manner of statistics on germs, bacteria, or pollution won't change my mind. Heavenly Father made snow to make the world a peaceful place, and also for eating!

Ooh, and if you are a girl and happen to be reading this, try wearing a skirt or dress, and heavy boots that don't match someday to school. You have no idea how much fun it is!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just love you Haley! You're always so happy! Thanks for being my friend!


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)