South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Random Info

Ahh...I've been tagged by the infamous Erin. Though I have so much else to do, (you always seem to have something else to do, eh? ;) here goes, all!

The 8 List...
8 T.V. Shows I like...
1. I don't really watch TV....but....
2. Used to watch Pokemon and most of the ones below with my lil' siblings
3. Digimon
4. Avatar
5. Fetch (remember that dog show-host?)
6. Arthur (I love that show...)
8. Hey Arnold

8 Things I Did Yesterday...
1. Wore an amazing BYU shirt that my friend won for me during Homecoming week
2. Slept past my alarm (second time I've ever done that!) and had a Tender Mercy getting woken up by my six-year-old brother 45 minutes before school started. ("Haley, wake-up, your going to be late for school!" How did he even know?)
3. Bugged Jared until he felt bad about breaking his promise (hopefully he will stick to it now...)
4. Danced in the snow/carried Lexi on my back with her slippers on
5. Wrote two articles; one for Newspaper and the other for our school newsletter
6. Went out for the best school assignment ever: critiquing a restaurant to do an article for the newspaper. Ottavios is the best!! (Plus another Tender Mercy; it ended up being a free meal!)
7. Nearly got someone tardy to their class...oops...
8. Played with my family

8 Things I am Looking Forward To...
1. Tomorrow!
2. The Christmas Dance, it should be very fun!
3. Going to the Temple
4. Getting to be with people I love
5. Returning my Mary Poppins skirt
6. Finishing my college application to BYU (Now that I don't need to have the GED!! Yay for another blessing!)
7. Singing!
8. Being alive :D

8 Favorite Restaurants...
1. Ottavios
2. Tepanyakis
3. Sweet Tomatoes
4. Golden Corrall
5. Hogi Yogi
6. T-Bone
7. Red Robin
8. Anyplace Chinese

8 Things I Wish For... 1. To dance! To dance the whole night away.... :)
2. A little fairy, just on my shoulder
3. Wings made of something lovely
4. That my college finals were over...ooh...
5. Peace for everyone I know and love
6. That I might be a little better tomorrow then I was today
7. Christmas Spirit all year long
8. That I knew everything. Including what people are thinking. Wouldn't that be nice? ;)

8 People I Tag...
1. Stephanie
2. Samantha
3. Eric
4. Logan (yet those two kind of go together anyhow...)
5. Alecia
6. Jeremy
7. Breanna
8. My Mother....hahaha!

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