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Monday, November 17, 2008

The Greatest Blessing of All

Over the past few weeks, I've been wondering about some things. This wondering has been beneficial in some ways, but more often in a degradational manner. I have made a mistake in the choosing of what I am doing with my time. (Once again, my weakness at over-analyzing things. Heavenly Father must laugh at how complicated I make my life, sometimes, when it really could be so simple!) For this, I am so thankful that I have the Atonement and repentance process in my life. Imagine, all of those things that I cringe to think about, gone from Heavenly Father's memory, forever.

What a wonderful gift!!

A good friend lent to me his copy of a short book entitled "Believing Christ." It is helping me to understand so much better this awe-inspiring sacrifice for me, though I know that I can never, nor expect to, comprehend it in it's entirely. What would I be without it? Lost, alone, and with no hope of ever returning to my Father in Heaven. My sins would weigh my concience down, never allowing me to look toward my future with any degree of hope.

It's a wonderful thing, this Plan of Happiness. Just knowing this makes me want to share it with so many others who are unaware that they can be happy now. They can rejoice, not in their own imperfections, but in Christ perfections. Once we become one with Him, as He and His father are, we can become like Him, and He will help us make up for that '99.9%' which we lack.
Oh goodness. I wish I could shout it on a mountian-top, how glorious is our God! How wondeful, almighty, and all-seeing He is, how perfect He is, and yet, how very much He loves each of us dispite our imperfections.

Can you even imagine a better Father?

1 comment:

  1. Haley,

    I would like to thank you, i just barely got allowed on your blog so i haven't gotten around to reading them all yet but i have read a good number of them and I don't think there is one yet that did not specific state or imply your faith in the only true god, and eternal principles you have learned. Your testimony is such a great strength to me, and that you are "Not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" is very inspiring to me. Thank you.


Though I can't email you directly, just post your comment here and my mom can forward it to me.
Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)