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Friday, November 28, 2008

Thankful to Have Found Solid Ground Again


My, life sure likes to throw you curve-balls! I know for sure that Heavenly Father has a sense of humor; William Bailey is right: He invented humor!

Thanksgiving break has been a good time for me to sort out some thoughts/feelings/ideas that have been unsorted for a few weeks now. I am very grateful for that fact alone!

First of all, thank you, friends, for allowing me to borrow your wonderful books on the doctrines of the Gospel. They've helped me find the truths amid all of those deceits that Satan has been throwing at me, and I couldn't be more grateful for them.

Second, I owe an apology to any of those whom I have neglected friendship-wise, due to focusing on things that were not as important. I'm so sorry if I've seemed distracted, or haven't been paying as close of attention to your needs as I normally do. I promise to get outside of myself more, and find out what I can do to help you in any way I can. I don't want our friendships to suffer because of poor choices on my own part.

Third, thank you all again, for being those amazing people that you are. A girl couldn't ask for better friends, and in this season for gratitude, this is one of the re-occurring things that I must thank the Lord for daily. : )

Fourth: Despite the craziness of life, I hope that you realize that I will always have time for you, personally. Prayers are so important if you are ever struggling with a situation (trust me, I've learned of that blessing for myself) but sometimes a physical person is just needed. If you ever do require a friend to talk to, or maybe just vent some pent-up emotion, please know that you can always turn to me.

Finally, I've found my place again. "The stars have aligned themselves" and I have repositioned myself on what is really important. Thought I will still make mistakes, I know that being perfect is something that happens only with the help of my Savior. He knows exactly how I'm feeling, and I don't ever need to be afraid of Eternal Truth that He shares with me through personal revalation.

Please, if you are struggling with something, don't ever be afraid to turn to your Father in Heaven. At first, with my problem, I was. I knew that I probably wouldn't get the answer that I'd wanted, and so I didn't turn to Him with my struggles. If you are ever tempted to, please don't do what I did; it creates only pain for yourself and others.

Because He understands and knows you better than you know yourself, He also realizes what you need to do to change and fix your situation. He can change your heart, if you only let Him!

A broken heart and a contrite spirit remind me of breaking-in a horse. To be 'broken' means that you are giving the reins of your life over to the Lord, and you are saying "Take my life where you will, Lord, and I will follow obediently."
He really will bring you the most happiness, and He can make so much more out of your life than you can. This is something that took me awhile to figure out, but I finally did. Learn from my experience and live your life the happiest way you can!

I'm sure you are all perfect, and don't really need any of the above advice, but I just wanted to share what helped me through a tougher time in my life. It really has!

Thank you again, all, for understanding and accepting me just the way I am!

May blessings be showered upon you!

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