South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

November Days

Oooh....I'm so excited!

I wanted to post on the very first day of Novemeber, just so that I could say that I did.
Isn't it such a good month? You got fall, beautiful leaves changing, pumpkins, squash, capricorns, gorgeous warm colors everywhere, Thanksgiving, of course, (what would be be without our food?) and just an all-around excitement that Christmas is getting one month closer. It helps me to remember to keep the spirit of giving I feel during that season with me all year.

What's your favorite season? I don't think I could decide on only one, but fall comes pretty close to being number one!

So I have another thought, but it is off-topic for November, so I will post this one and write another.
Bwahahaha! :)

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