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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fruits of the Spirit

I know that you all have heard a lot from me as is, but I couldn't help but want to share a quote that really hit me while reading the book "The Light Within" which Raymond so graciously allowed me to borrow.

“We can tell when the fruits of the Spirit are being manifest in our lives.

Brigham Young University professor Don Norton has written that when we have the Spirit, we feel calm and happy. We feel full of light. Our minds are clear. Our bosoms burn with love for the Lord and for others. We feel generous. No one can offend us. We are very forgiving and kind. We feel confident in what we do. We don’t mind anyone seeing what we are doing.

We feel outgoing and anxious to be with others (especially family members). We are glad for others when they succeed. We want to make others happy, even those opposed to us. We bring out the best and say the best about others. We gladly and willingly perform Church work. We want to pray and read the scriptures. We want to keep all the Lord’s commandments.

We feel we have control of our appetites and emotions. We have controlled speech and no anger. We feel a deep desire to help others-usually in a way no one else would know about. We speak and think only good about others. We feel sorrow when others have problems and sincerely desire to help them. We realize that our thoughts and our actions are open to God.”

Reading this quote made me realize how often I don't have the Spirit with me. Sure, I make mistakes, but I didn't know how much I needed the fruits of the Spirit to be with me as much as the Spirit himself. Does that make sense?

I could see how I was doing okay in some areas, and not-so-okay in others. One of the things was how 'we feel outgoing and anxious to be with others (especially family members).' I am anxious to be with others, that's just my nature. Other times, I love to be with my family; they are so entertaining!

But now I know that whenever I am trying to get away from them (like when I want to hurry and finish FHE so I can go Gazebo Singing) I don't have the Spirit to be with me. I don't want that. I love them lots, and I always want to have "His Spirit to be with me." If I don't that's like walking out into a battlefield with absolutely no armor on!

Phew, I'm so thankful for that book. And for all of the words of the Prophets. They really help keep you on track when you could be wandering.

Thank goodness that we have this Gospel and knowledge that we can repent of sins!

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