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South Korean Flag!

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Craziness of Home

Monday, February 20, 2012
Presidents Day!

Home. There’s really no place like it.

Where my sweet, manly brother (he wants me to tell you that his name is Denver Chase Brooksby), snuggles up next to you and before you’re even aware, he’s got you rubbing his back. I don’t even know how he does it-you could be innocently sharing a story with the other family member and suddenly, you’re a massage service. Truly, he is master of this home. He’s just so cute, we let him.

Where my grandmother can come out of their room to me, running on our treadmill and sweating bullets as I try to smile past the liquid dripping off my face. She cheers me on, giving the extra umph to keep running.

And Takoda, who plays tic-tac-toe with me. Little kids have the best ways of having fun. That run felt shorter than any other because we got to play. J

Trey recently showed me a game that I used to sneak out at midnight to play on the computer. It’s called “Tron”, and it rocks. You’re a little dude on a motorcycle-type machine, one of four colors. As you drive, you leave an indestructible wall of your color behind you. There are three other players, and the goal is avoid your own trail as well as others. I watched as Trey maneuvered his way around and crashed the other players, feeling confident that I could do pretty well. Then he handed me his phone.

CRASH! “Oh, wait,” I sputtered. “Give me another go.”

SPLAT!. “Trey, I got this, I got this.” BANG! “Hmm.. I’ma try again.” BOOM! Finally, “TREY HOW DO YOU RUN THIS THING!?!”

I found out very soon that I was content to watch Trey and Tanner try their hands at it. The animal game Savannah and Denver were playing sounded easier… ;)

And I was asked to share this story:

The Gum

“Elias got gum because he asked something that doesn’t even make any sense because asking to use the bathroom doesn’t even make any sense because it’s not fair. PS Savannah got some gum from Elias for no apparent reason. And Haley got some gum which is the person writing this stuff. The End.”
More soon :)

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